The pump could also just be dead. I know that's what was wrong with my GP when I had a full tank of fluid, but none coming out. The pump was $20 or so, and only took me half an hour to replace. It was a little difficult getting to the bolts that hold it in, but not that big of a deal. I know exactly how you feel about having a windshield covered in salt, and no way of getting rid of it. I remember going Christmas shopping with my dad in my GP 2 years ago. Just as we got onto the highway, we were behind a big truck, completely covering my windshield (and entire car, for that matter) in dirty salty slush. I ended up traveling at about 30 mph for a couple miles on the highway, with my head out the window, so I could see. When we got to the mall, I had to 'wash' it with a handfull of snow. Definitely not fun.