Had back surgery & project update

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Feb 4, 2011
Jasper, Tennessee
Hey guys it's been a while, been having bad back problems since early June been out of work since July 9th. I had back surgery August 4, doing a lot better but have'nt regained feeling and full use of my left leg and foot from the knee down (nerve damage) it's driving my nuts not being able to do everything that I'm use to doing for myself. Working under the hood of my cars is out of the question. But before the back problems I fixed my header leaks had to take them off and file them by hand put new gaskets on, no more leaks also temp exhaust thrush glasspacks bolted strait to the headers.I have installed the 400 turbo with the valvebody drilled for firmer shifts,the right length driveshaft balanced with new joints. Finally the hood and trunk both have new struts so no more stick props. Since my back problem my brother and friend tooled up the quardrajet so it kicks and is very responsive now but they went a bit high on the timming, my bro also put my wheels and tires on the front of my car for me, I got to drive it only once since then. I have a new 2 1/2 in x pipe kit & flomasters in the box for it and new front coil springs that I can't wait to put on.


Master Mechanic
Mar 1, 2011
Man i hate to hear about your back...i had a herniated disc that had me out of it for about six months. luckily i work in IT so i was able to work on the floor (literally all of my work computers were on the floor so i could lay down and work). but i was this close to having surgery as well until i started spinal decompression therapy. it's where they pull/stretch the lower back so that the herniated disc can heal faster and recede back into place. it worked and i was thankful b/c i was a phone call away from confirming the surgery. you'll heal but the thing about back surgery is that you'll need another one in 10-15 years. a good friend of mine from high school is an orthopedic surgeon that specializes in lower back and he was honest with me. I was going to let him do the honors of 'fixing' me but he recommended rest and see a chiropractor for decompression before making that decision. And I'm glad I did..after about a month on decompression I was back sitting down comfortably and not dealing with that severe sciatica (left leg). I healed ok and I've been back up about a year and a half now without rehurting it too bad. I wear a waist wrap that has metal rods in the back to support my back when i'm working on the car. Take your time and let that heal up nice before trying anything. It sounds like your family has been a big help and thats cool of them. Try not to get hooked on those pills b/c i know when i was down the SOMAs were my best friend.. :shock:


Feb 4, 2011
Jasper, Tennessee
lg1200 said:
Man i hate to hear about your back...i had a herniated disc that had me out of it for about six months. luckily i work in IT so i was able to work on the floor (literally all of my work computers were on the floor so i could lay down and work). but i was this close to having surgery as well until i started spinal decompression therapy. it's where they pull/stretch the lower back so that the herniated disc can heal faster and recede back into place. it worked and i was thankful b/c i was a phone call away from confirming the surgery. you'll heal but the thing about back surgery is that you'll need another one in 10-15 years. a good friend of mine from high school is an orthopedic surgeon that specializes in lower back and he was honest with me. I was going to let him do the honors of 'fixing' me but he recommended rest and see a chiropractor for decompression before making that decision. And I'm glad I did..after about a month on decompression I was back sitting down comfortably and not dealing with that severe sciatica (left leg). I healed ok and I've been back up about a year and a half now without rehurting it too bad. I wear a waist wrap that has metal rods in the back to support my back when i'm working on the car. Take your time and let that heal up nice before trying anything. It sounds like your family has been a big help and thats cool of them. Try not to get hooked on those pills b/c i know when i was down the SOMAs were my best friend.. :shock:

Thanks for the info, my pain was so bad I could'nt handle it anymore. The disk looked like toothpaste being squeezed out on my spinal cord causing massive pain on my left leg this time it was my L5 I also have trouble with my L4. As for the meds I've only had one since five days after surgery, yes they are very addictive and I had headaches, guess from going cold turkey, but God has blessed me so much with friends and family, his healing power and a very understanding employer. Hopefully I will go back to work soon, it gets old just sitting around.


Feb 4, 2011
Jasper, Tennessee
hurst1979olds said:
Hope you have a speedy recovery and get back to fiddling with the car.

Thanks, me to. It's very relaxing at times, to just tool on my cars and to step back looking at it and can honestly say me and my friends built that, made this or that and brought this old part back to life. You can say that hotrodders are truely recyclers,and about the pollution, most of us mainly drive our rides on weekends or special occasions, but others don't see it that way. I'm proud to be a car guy and love the hobby. I can't wait to start toolin again, but I also don't want to be back in the Dr's office in pain either, so the old Buick can wait a bit longer if need be.


Comic Book Super Hero
Apr 23, 2009
Greensboro, NC
glad to hear that the surgery went well, so many times you hear that it was worse thatn befre the surgery...

I agree with lg on the decomression therapy... my back has been bad for years, but it finally got bad enough to break down, face my fears and see a chiropractor... I may joke that the therapy is the modern day version of the torture rack, (as a small electric winch is now used instead of a handled wheel :twisted: ).

rest as best yo can and give it some time before putting a sizeable strain on it again.... believe me, 2 months after feeling better than I had in years, I had a re-lapse and took even longer to come back from that one... good luck and recouperation!
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