Well I wanted to document our new house build so here goes nothing. Started with a meeting with an architect last winter. Spent months going back and forth, making small changes here and there, but this was our basic design my wife and I came up with and handed the architect. Our son is going to be a junior in college so it's just the two of us and a couple of pets. Trying to keep it simple to keep taxes down.
Garage already exists otherwise I would've built a bigger one 🙂 We're demolishing our current house and building this one on nearly the same foot print. BUT.... This one will have 9' basement, where as the current has a crawlspace and is also too low.
Rear view of the house.
View from our back yard.
Current house
Had to cut an apple and a pear tree down on the corner of the existing house.
Garage already exists otherwise I would've built a bigger one 🙂 We're demolishing our current house and building this one on nearly the same foot print. BUT.... This one will have 9' basement, where as the current has a crawlspace and is also too low.
Rear view of the house.
View from our back yard.
Current house
Had to cut an apple and a pear tree down on the corner of the existing house.