Joke of the day

If this situation wasn't so ironic, it just might qualify for as a top contender for the sick joke of the millenia list, so far.

This actually appeared on the local news channel as an item on the 6 pm broadcast today.

As most of you may be aware one way or another, there has arisen a major employee problem within the ranks of the skilled trades. Specifically, as many of the current generation of journeymen and women grow old and retire, there are few if any new replacements entering the pipeline to fill those openings.

Up here, the alliance of trades has recognized this problem and, in an attempt to attract potential new apprentices, they have combined their resources to create a mobile marketing exercise in the form of an exhibition vehicle that tours the province, visiting the various primary and middle school venues, and which offers hands on exercises for the kids to work with as means of encouraging juvenile interest in pursuing a skilled trades career. To facilitate the level of interaction being offered, several of trades have had virtual work scenarios created using VR equipment so that a visitor can don the headset and immediately be placed in a virtual setting that allows them to manipulate tools and fixtures to perform tasks that many of the skilled trades might undertake during the course of a workday.

Among the virtual scenarios being offered, there was one included which puts the participant in a welding booth with a MIG Gun and has them, virtually, making passes and assembling components.

Evidently, a group of students approached the display facilitator to ask what that particular VR scenario was about and when she responded that it was for welding, one kid just looked at her and asked, "What's a weld???"

It’s not a video game or nephew makes more money than me and only 4 yrs into journeyman Plummer! I’ve been 20 years running a machine at a French owned company that thinks 3% max pay raise every year is ok. Some guys that have 15 yrs in are making less than new hires.
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Kids don’t want to have to “work “ for money. They just deserve it like everyone gets a trophy for trying.
That right there is exactly what's going on.

Myself and my woman with a few buddies were talking about the mentioned situations here that we currently have in society, and we all came down to a general root cause given what we see, work with, people we know, and how society is in general.

What we've all collectively determined as the root cause, is not necessarily these kids for having soft feelings, society does entertain it but where did it come from? How is there an abundance of this many people that are like that?

It's these Gen X parents who want to coddle and take care of their precious little crotchflowers from the mean world, so therefore they pay all their bills and send them out there with everything taken care of, if they even are living on their own, and these kids just think they should get money for breathing. Mommy and daddy had it rough so it should be their job to make sure it's easy street for the delicate fruit of their loins.

These pukes have zero work ethic and motivation to do work, absolutely cry and complain any time you make them work, and think they should just get money because they showed up, usually late too.

Some might say that's a little harsh but honestly, I have seen these parents, I have seen the results from their parenting, and the above is true. I know several people in their mid 20s that mommy and daddy pay for absolutely everything they have and they don't have any idea what it is to actually budget, manage funds, and have to make sacrifices because other things are more important. These parents fix their cars, buy them houses, fix the houses.. so all these kids have to do is wake up, breathe, and procreate another generation of worthless sh*t.

Now take them coddled products of parenting, put them on social media where they can communicate with each other and cry about everything, and then you have a movement of feelings because everybody's entitled and think they should get everything for nothing, work is offensive..bla bla bla..

There's your society influence because that's what society has become. Pack mentality, the weak stick together to get mob rule. Go against it and you're the enemy.

Weakass parenting from Gen X brought this crap in. Well done. There's your root cause.

I'm 39, wasn't raised like that, and definitely hate it all. I'm just here waiting for it to implode because it's coming.🤘
That right there is exactly what's going on.

Myself and my woman with a few buddies were talking about the mentioned situations here that we currently have in society, and we all came down to a general root cause given what we see, work with, people we know, and how society is in general.

What we've all collectively determined as the root cause, is not necessarily these kids for having soft feelings, society does entertain it but where did it come from? How is there an abundance of this many people that are like that?

It's these Gen X parents who want to coddle and take care of their precious little crotchflowers from the mean world, so therefore they pay all their bills and send them out there with everything taken care of, if they even are living on their own, and these kids just think they should get money for breathing. Mommy and daddy had it rough so it should be their job to make sure it's easy street for the delicate fruit of their loins.

These pukes have zero work ethic and motivation to do work, absolutely cry and complain any time you make them work, and think they should just get money because they showed up, usually late too.

Some might say that's a little harsh but honestly, I have seen these parents, I have seen the results from their parenting, and the above is true. I know several people in their mid 20s that mommy and daddy pay for absolutely everything they have and they don't have any idea what it is to actually budget, manage funds, and have to make sacrifices because other things are more important. These parents fix their cars, buy them houses, fix the houses.. so all these kids have to do is wake up, breathe, and procreate another generation of worthless sh*t.

Now take them coddled products of parenting, put them on social media where they can communicate with each other and cry about everything, and then you have a movement of feelings because everybody's entitled and think they should get everything for nothing, work is offensive..bla bla bla..

There's your society influence because that's what society has become. Pack mentality, the weak stick together to get mob rule. Go against it and you're the enemy.

Weakass parenting from Gen X brought this crap in. Well done. There's your root cause.

I'm 39, wasn't raised like that, and definitely hate it all. I'm just here waiting for it to implode because it's coming.🤘
Parents and the (NEW) schooling that is confusing kids more than teaching is of no help. Some children are not raised in that mold and see only hard working gets you what you want. But they are also seeing the others and wonder why they should if they are only covering slacker assets.
Parents and the (NEW) schooling that is confusing kids more than teaching is of no help. Some children are not raised in that mold and see only hard working gets you what you want. But they are also seeing the others and wonder why they should if they are only covering slacker assets.
Exactly, this current society of entitled lazy crap getting their way is overpowering work ethic and common sense. Rewards are going to the lazy instead of them stepping up.

I can't change it on my own but nature has it's pendulum effect. I'm really a fan of a big asteroid drilling this planet... 🤔
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Kids don’t want to have to “work “ for money. They just deserve it like everyone gets a trophy for trying.
And that trophy for trying is another load for that low flying doggie watering dish noted above. Winning and losing has historically not been a feel good exercise, it is about encouraging the non-winners to exert themselves and win. As a kid I can remember bringing home a good report card and getting criticized because I hadn't done better. The critics will opine that this is negative re-inforcement at its finest but in my generation, parents always wanted their kids to do better and go farther because most of them had not made it out of high school but had had to go to work early because the family needed the money. At that time there was a adage of sorts, "From blue collar to university and back again in three generations".

Maybe, instead of "No kid left behind" the education system ought to go back to the go/no go scenario. Learn and pass/move on; Don't learn, and get left behind. Just as an anecdote here. Next door kid was a year ahead of me in grade school. By the time I hit junior high, he was in the same grade, and by the time i gradded out, he was a year behind. He was 20 before he finally got free of the system, but he kept at it. Me? took two years to get through the prep classes for university and almost 25 years before I finally paid my way into post-secondary education, but I made it through that too., Just in time for an employment recruiter to tell me I was too old and all they were looking for was "Youth" Defintion of a youth?? Between 18-29 years old, with a unversity degree, preferrably a masters, and with 10 years of work/field related experience that included social relevance. So I asked him, Who Da **** dreamed up these parameters?? Reply was, "Some social psychologist got given a grant to explore the issues of youth being "under-utilitzed" and this was the result.

Now guess what segment of society, apart from us abused and neglected seniors, is suffering the worst from Covid??

Bounty. It’s the quicker picker upper 🤪
you use Bounty for TP? good thing you don't use the cheap generic brand with pieces of wood pulp, else you'd be explaining to the doc pulling out splinters, "well, you see doc, it's like this. I was wiping my ......."
  • Haha
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That right there is exactly what's going on.

Myself and my woman with a few buddies were talking about the mentioned situations here that we currently have in society, and we all came down to a general root cause given what we see, work with, people we know, and how society is in general.

What we've all collectively determined as the root cause, is not necessarily these kids for having soft feelings, society does entertain it but where did it come from? How is there an abundance of this many people that are like that?

It's these Gen X parents who want to coddle and take care of their precious little crotchflowers from the mean world, so therefore they pay all their bills and send them out there with everything taken care of, if they even are living on their own, and these kids just think they should get money for breathing. Mommy and daddy had it rough so it should be their job to make sure it's easy street for the delicate fruit of their loins.

These pukes have zero work ethic and motivation to do work, absolutely cry and complain any time you make them work, and think they should just get money because they showed up, usually late too.

Some might say that's a little harsh but honestly, I have seen these parents, I have seen the results from their parenting, and the above is true. I know several people in their mid 20s that mommy and daddy pay for absolutely everything they have and they don't have any idea what it is to actually budget, manage funds, and have to make sacrifices because other things are more important. These parents fix their cars, buy them houses, fix the houses.. so all these kids have to do is wake up, breathe, and procreate another generation of worthless sh*t.

Now take them coddled products of parenting, put them on social media where they can communicate with each other and cry about everything, and then you have a movement of feelings because everybody's entitled and think they should get everything for nothing, work is offensive..bla bla bla..

There's your society influence because that's what society has become. Pack mentality, the weak stick together to get mob rule. Go against it and you're the enemy.

Weakass parenting from Gen X brought this crap in. Well done. There's your root cause.

I'm 39, wasn't raised like that, and definitely hate it all. I'm just here waiting for it to implode because it's coming.🤘

I like what Gearge Carlin used to say...."For all you parents out there that think you shouldn't spank your kids....that's ok.....But it should give us the right to kick the sh&^ out of them, every time we see them!"