Joke of the day

If this situation wasn't so ironic, it just might qualify for as a top contender for the sick joke of the millenia list, so far.

This actually appeared on the local news channel as an item on the 6 pm broadcast today.

As most of you may be aware one way or another, there has arisen a major employee problem within the ranks of the skilled trades. Specifically, as many of the current generation of journeymen and women grow old and retire, there are few if any new replacements entering the pipeline to fill those openings.

Up here, the alliance of trades has recognized this problem and, in an attempt to attract potential new apprentices, they have combined their resources to create a mobile marketing exercise in the form of an exhibition vehicle that tours the province, visiting the various primary and middle school venues, and which offers hands on exercises for the kids to work with as means of encouraging juvenile interest in pursuing a skilled trades career. To facilitate the level of interaction being offered, several of trades have had virtual work scenarios created using VR equipment so that a visitor can don the headset and immediately be placed in a virtual setting that allows them to manipulate tools and fixtures to perform tasks that many of the skilled trades might undertake during the course of a workday.

Among the virtual scenarios being offered, there was one included which puts the participant in a welding booth with a MIG Gun and has them, virtually, making passes and assembling components.

Evidently, a group of students approached the display facilitator to ask what that particular VR scenario was about and when she responded that it was for welding, one kid just looked at her and asked, "What's a weld???"

We have a boatbuilding company in our small community and a buddy of mine works there. They have held several fairs at local school in an effort to get employees. They have not had one show up to work after being hired. Shame.
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Yup just sit back and wait for the implosion, feelings doesn't fix your broken house but them people seem to think so. I'm game for when things get dumb, I want to watch the suffering.

We have a boatbuilding company in our small community and a buddy of mine works there. They have held several fairs at local school in an effort to get employees. They have not had one show up to work after being hired. Shame.
I blame the parents
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I blame the parents
I agree but our schools want to prep young minds of mush for college. I barely squeaked out of high school and have been successful in my careers. We have to introduce our children to trades. We really need more mechanics, carpenters, plumbers etc. I have friends that are multi-millionaires that own plumbing and electrical companies. No student debt either.
I blame the parents

Sure, but don't leave society out of this. Everyone and their dog wants a green/computer job, there's no glory in building boats but there damn sure is in having one. Everyone needs a degree, but how many never use it? Again, society.