Joke of the day

Too many flashes from the mig as the only "red" things I see seem to me to be a pair of fat floppy butt cheeks off in the background and adjacent to a tree. All that could be missing from this scene is a roll of TP.;


What kind of neighborhood do you weld in?
I think if I was so desperate that I had to poop in a public park my face would be the reddest red imaginable. Unless I was so drunk I did not even know where I was. Or cared.
My 'hood?? Currently it is a mixture of old farts and disaffected newcomers. Right now the house next door has a for sale sign on it. One month before Christmas and selling a house is not a good sign. Are they serious? Well, consider this. Last week had a couple of quasi-warm hours arise during the afternoons so i cracked the main door and set up the portable vise on the ramp so I could do some dirty work out in the frshe air.. Happened to look south and next door has a large-ish sized BFI-equiv bin sitting in front of their garage door. I've heard of downsizing but not on that scale. That garage has been used more or less as cold or seasonal storage for some business she is trying to run from their. basement.

Mostly now my 'hood is quiet. During the summer, four or five doors south had a production line going in his back yard. His kid has some kind of deal going with an area fishing camp and they were making portable fish huts for the winter fishing season. Put them on skis or a tralier, tow them out onto the ice and leave them there as rentals. Pick them up at the end of winter or when the ice starts to go thin. Some of the posher ones available can come with the same level of amenities as an average house, including fridge, stove, and bunk beds.

Not so much this year but in years previous I had regular visits from the sharps van doing hood checks for used fits and syringes. The boggies used to slip into the lean-to next door and use it for a shooting gallery. Or buy hair spray or anything in a foo-foo bomb can and then take a paper bag, spray the whole bomb off into the bag, and quickly pull it over their heads for the high. Most of that bunch are dead now; COPD or bronchial pneumonia or total organ failure got them.

So, my kind of 'hood. A lot of the reason why I keep the chain link around my property in good repair.

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