20 years of GBodyForum? What's Next?


Site Admin
Feb 25, 2005
Rolla, MO
Yep, you read that right. This year will be 20 YEARS since I started the site. Anyone here been around long enough to remember this?

(I first got the domain in Oct. '04, started the forum in Feb. '05, but this image was from December '05. Pretty sure it was the same though.)


A quick perusal of web.archive.org will tell you anything else about the history of the site that matters. But man. 20 years?

What's next? I dunno really.

This site has some technical issues that need working out. You'll probably see an overhaul of the appearance, look/feel. Why? Well, the site "style" is getting long in the tooth, the authors aren't really supporting it well any more, and I think we can do better for the next decade. Plus there are elements like the add-on for the home page that lists all the current replies that are literally racking up thousands of errors in the admin backend bc its also not updated and supported any more.

It's really too bad that social media has essentially devastated "the forum" as it used to exist. Not just this one, but basically all of them, everywhere. Remember back then we were all so fricking happy to be out from underneath the thumb of the AOL's, Compuserve's and Prodigy's of the world. The internet was here and anyone could put up (almost) anything they wanted to with pretty much no effort, so long as they could handle writing a web page or setting up a CMS of some kind.

You can practically see on the site graphs when Zuckerberg opened up Facebook where anyone could start a page/group. Now there are literally hundreds of splintered social media "communities" that are impossible to find, let alone navigate and find any useful information in.

At its peak in I think 2013 or 2014 the site was running about 20k page views a day(!) .... and I think in 2014 was when that change happened and its been a rocky bumpy downhill slide since then. Let's not even talk about the total cluster the last five years have been. For various reasons.

Now, we're almost right back to that point, if not worse with "the internet" being replaced with social media and apps.... Just ugh. I'm basically done with trying to promote the site via social media because its impossible to get eyeballs without forking out tons of cash. You just can't do it.


So the question I'm putting to you guys is...

what's next for the site?

I get that there are plenty of you who don't like change. I get it. I don't particularly like it either, it makes more work for me lol. But its inevitable and if the site's gonna survive its gotta happen. I still get e-mails asking if I want to sell the site, to *those guys* that I won't name, but you know the forum farms they run, and none of them are well-regarded.

"The G-Body" itself is kind of a dwindling niche, too. In 2005 the latest g-body model was LESS THAN 20yo (1988) ... so there were still LOTS of them on the road, being used as daily drivers, and lots of people interested in keeping the g-body dream alive. Now? Shiiiii its coming up on 50yo for the first models ('78) and that'll make you feel old if nothing else does. There just isn't as much interest out there. That's legit, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Don't want to turn this into a "good old days" thread, either (or take it other directions, *cough*) but I'm interested in your thoughts on how we keep a community together like this.

How do we keep this going for another 20 years?
I for one would hate to see it change, or go away. It;'s a niche, but a good niche. I don't have a 'smart' phone so I am only on with my PC. But that way I can access hard to find info that I can cut-n-paste or add links to. So when I am on, I am dedicated to the site, not scrolling other stuff. When I get online, it is a no-brainer to check in.

As far as G-bodies are concerned, I don't think we are any worse off than the rest of the 'classic' cars. I am on a 1st gen Firebird site that is dying. I post and wait weeks for a reply. A guy that bought a brand new 1967 Firebird is likely pushing 80 years old or more! Here I post and get several replies almost immediately. Classical Pontiac died a slow agonizing death because it was overwhelmed with political nonsense. They where in inch away from death threats to each other. The lack of that here is refreshing and has kept the site enjoyable. The way we can share jokes, videos, music, off topic stuff, all without repercussions, keeps this a family more than any other site I have ever been on. I also find that the folks on here are very, very, smart, and into the cars and willing to share. I came here looking for G-body info and stayed, how many years now? It is a gold mine of all kinds of car and other info.

I may not work on my Bonnewagon so much anymore, but that is because most of the work is done. It is never all the way done, but I can drive it anywhere without fear of breaking down. That is because of this site.
Some tough questions here. I've utilized forums since their inception, and still search em out today for various vehicles, and reasons that aren't vehicles. Social media may have an "instant" reply, but honestly half the time its useless responses. I hope forums will be here to stay, but I understand what your saying.
I am curious of who has been here the longest and is still active on here.
If you make to much change, you risk alienating some of who are here now. If you make no changes you risk the site slowly dying into oblivion.

I sure wouldn't want to be in your shoes trying to balance this!
The first thing to do if you haven't already is perform a SWOT analysis and go from there. Classic cars and hotrodding are both niche areas of the auto industry, and a combination of both is a sub niche. A good thing about this forum is that there are not any thought leaders that bully other members.

There is another G body forum I won’t name that started out good but in recent years degraded into a hangout for trolls who attack anyone that thinks different from the orthodoxy they created and enforce. Basically it has been taken over by track guys who only want discussions of track builds and releated track subjects while chasing off anyone interested in stock and street builds. I am not sure if this a cause or a effect of the traffic decline there.

Sadly part of the reason for classic car forum decline is that older members age out or die off over time. I have had a few friends who were older members on that other from pass on which is sad. That includes the guy I bought my used TES headers from over a decade ago. Decling industry support for these cars helps trun off new blood from wanting to get involved with G bodies. In fact, popularity of car ownership is in decline with younger people which is an issue for the whole auto industry.
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I think G body’s are still coming up… those of us who had them when younger are now of an age that we may have a little more extra cash around to play with them!
I also own a couple tri five Chevy’s (55-57 for those of you who may not be familiar with). Also visit a site dedicated to them that seems to be doing well. Those cars are 20-30 years older than the G body’s! And a are many of the owners!
I personally really love this forum and would hate to see it end. I understand the need to change but don’t change so much that the character is changed. I have owned my cutlass for 18 years and had I known about this site a long time ago my car would probably be more complete( I don’t think any of us are ever finished with a build)Lol. But really this site has helped me with almost everything I have done to this car from the how to’s, the write-ups, all the post and pictures, and especially being able to message other members. The people on here are great and I have yet to find someone not willing to go out of their way to help you!
This fourm has been one of the best sources for info & some parts for me. Then having my boy become a G owner to see the support he has gotten for his car is beyond belief. I wish I knew about this fourm ten years earlier cause it is one of the best welcoming ones I've been on & only one I'm currently on. I like how things are here & don't care for change but sometimes some have to come. I wouldn't have an idea on a suggestion cause I'm set in my ways with viewing this on my laptop. I hope to see this continue for a long time down the road.

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