Search results

  1. 1

    75 Camaro

    that picture is ****ing hilarious man.
  2. 1

    75 Camaro

    dude your a ****ing moron. Check those ebay listings again. do you know what the words reserve not met means?
  3. 1

    75 Camaro

    Yeah this threads definitely getting biased, i was looking for the facts. Thanks for the 1st posters the later 2nd gens arent as popular i can base that solely on what i see on prices. I doubt ill find another one in better condition because well ive been looking for one like this for close to 2...
  4. 1

    75 Camaro

    i can literally build the car from classic industries. i am going out tuesday to probably buy the car and drive it back home. Heres what i love. $39 a month insurance, not sure on classic car insurance yet though, never looked into it. It will need a new dash cover if i choose, the window...
  5. 1

    75 Camaro

    Well dont make the 1st 2 words in your reply HELL NO and well this isnt penn. man ive been looking for months and i have a 78 camaro already to strip down to use for future parts if needed ever. Your bashing me for spending more then what its worth in your opinion is what your doing. Just leave...
  6. 1

    75 Camaro

    Lol, first off i dont know where your getting putting 10 or 15,000 into a car from. I never said that anywhere. 2ndly, you can look on craigslist, ebay, or any other site and youll see that 6500 is far from a terrible buy. So hell no to you buddy :) Maybe in the 1990s they were worth $5000 but...
  7. 1

    75 Camaro

    Today was interesting. My friend who owns a 76 camaro apparently is going to sell his now becuase he wanted to be the one guy who has this type of camaro lol. He thinks as well as my other friend that i am simply doing to spite him ahha. Thing is his has a rotted frame and he has had it over 7...
  8. 1

    75 Camaro

    im gonna write a post about this car once i hear it run and everything on sunday. The only rust on the whole car is in trunk some very thin surface rust from what looks like the spare tire sitting there. I geuss it has a few scratches here and there, and the seats are cracking. I was planning...
  9. 1

    75 Camaro

    Well ive seen the pics, and this one is legit. Im going to be dropping a down payment on it in 2 days. Its almost Barett Jackson quality guys real clean. One question, how do you install the factory spoiler on these cars? Is it a simple job considering this one never had one?
  10. 1

    75 Camaro

    Yeah the 78 I have, the only good thing on it was the frame still. Everything else was gone. I know it wouldnt be a bad investment vs blowing at the casino and what not. I mean i figure if i buy it, it would be something i could appreciate and remember that i got it from my dads inheritence and...
  11. 1

    75 Camaro

    Guys I have been searching relentlessly for a nice sports car from the 70s since last year. I bought a 78 for $2200 that many of you looked at back in september. Well my parents are gone and i have a decent inheritence. I really want a car that i can take care of and appreciate as well as keep...
  12. 1

    D Grades

    Well i found out today by talking to the abudsman guy who is in charge or records or w/e. he told me that a D will count for credit as long as its a gen ed and not basic skills or major/minor class. I have to meet with him though about the other class getting dropped off so it might not be so...
  13. 1

    D Grades

    Hello to all, as a lot of you know I lost my parents in the last year. Despite my most valiant efforts I will be getting an E and D for my 2 4 credit courses. For the last 5 years of college i have never failed a course or in any college course for that matter. My GPA slipped from a 3.1 to a...
  14. 1

    inheritence and loans

    Hello all, as a lot of you probably know, i lost my parents in the last year and well to be quite blunt I will be recieving around 25K which well for being 25 years old is a decent ammount of money. Heres the thing, I am less then a year from graduating with a shotty BA in history. I want to...
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    Thanks for the help guys, yeah this reciever is about as top of the line as you go except for the 1,000+ ones. I am going to try to set it up as we speak. One other thing, does the digital/optical cable go into an in or out plug optical on the reciever, the same goes for the HDMI ones from the...
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    Just wondering if theres anyone out there that knows much about hooking up what I have. I have a VSX 33 Pioneer Elite reciever with all the bells and whistles. I have a ps3, and a 42 in LG LCD tv. Does anyone know how to hook up the tv. to the ps3 and to the sterio for HDMI sound and picture...
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  18. 1

    Bands from Back in the day

    Beatles, Rolling Stones, Zeppelin, Allman Brothers, Hendrix, ozark mt. daredevils, Van Halen, Tom Petty, off the top of my head :mrgreen:
  19. 1

    Our father God and Savior Christ

    that is why religion is dumb to fight about and shouldnt be posted on a site like this. Its impossible for the human mind to be capable to know if a god exists or not. its the people who push their retarted beliefs on other people and think they KNOW god did this when they are no different then...
  20. 1

    Our father God and Savior Christ

    You want some more examples, how about Siddartha, the oringal buddha, buddhism has a larger hold on the world and population of people then christianity has ever held. The religion is also older then as well. Or perhaps we should take Lao tzu, or confucius, maybe mencius. These people all...

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