Search results

  1. 64nailhead

    Auto trans removal

    This is an excellent place for a low budget flathead screwdriver that is thin, that you’re not in love with. Pound the screwdriver between the block and trans. As soon as you see a gap (tiny), then yank on the trans. Lather rinse repeat on the other side. Yes, spraying penetrating oil on the...
  2. 64nailhead

    1978 Malibu Project, 4th times a charm

    Contact FTI with the serial number. It would be crazy if they would warranty it for you. Whether they warranty it or not - it’s a deal.
  3. 64nailhead

    Aftermarket Transmission Crossmembers: 'Lightened' Versions vs Older

    I agree with others that the crossmember is a strength piece. But if you have boxed the frame and are running the other frame strengthening parts available by the aftermarket, then get the lighter crossmember. There are other crossmembers that are less than 10lbs if you’re interested. Or you can...
  4. 64nailhead

    G-BODY Suspenion comparison.

    I should mentioned in the previous post that you should be making a choice based on how you intend to use the car. If you are only interested in straight line racing, then I'd go a different route, etc. But that kit will work awesome for a great cruiser that adds 20-30 years of handling...
  5. 64nailhead

    G-BODY Suspenion comparison.

    UMI doesn't sell junk that doesn't work. I've never bought one of their kits, but I have multiple UMI components in multiple vehicles - very good stuff and their customer service is AWESOME. The difference that I can see between the two kits is adjustable upper rears - I'd buy the Stage 4 if...
  6. 64nailhead

    What did you do to your g-body today 2025 Edition!

    4” exhaust to the rear tire.
  7. 64nailhead

    CHEVY Old Heads! Yeah, I'm talking to you...

    Not to disagree with anyone, but if your choice is a 10cc chamber volume difference in that little motor, then I’d go with the smaller chamber. 10 cc’s of cylinder volume will make your cam seem another 10 degrees larger.
  8. 64nailhead

    Blown Head Gasket

    If you want to diagnose and repair what's broke without a complete teardown, then perform a leak down test with all of the plugs removed. If it's a head gasket, then it will painfully obvious. Perform the test with the radiator cap and oil fill cap removed. Also, pull the oil filter and cut it...
  9. 64nailhead

    What do you think happened?

    Temu car lift.
  10. 64nailhead

    CHEVY Old Heads! Yeah, I'm talking to you...

    Highest compression (smallest chamber) and largest intake valve. Damn near impossible to get 1hp/cubic inch from that - hmmmmm. melloelky clickbait? I didn’t see a thong?
  11. 64nailhead

    HELP Problems with LS swap

    SS you delete the DOD and VVT? They f you didn’t, then it would be a good idea to get rid of them unless your only goal is to get fuel economy.
  12. 64nailhead

    HELP Problems with LS swap

    Wrong sensor. The one you linked has NPT threads and the LS heads have a metric straight thread design. You can head off to any parts store of your choice and buy a CLT (coolant temp sensor) for any truck or SUV from 98-2008 and it will be the correct thread and harness connection. And the year...
  13. 64nailhead

    American Racing VN501 15x8

    They definitely fit with 4” or 4.5” backspace. With the skinny (low profile tires) I would go 4”. A 4.5” back space in the rears might need an 1/8 or 1/4” shim spacer and f you went with a 275/60 rear. An 8” wheel is not difficult to get on a G.
  14. 64nailhead

    HELP Problems with LS swap

    No- it won’t fit. I’m using a block made for a Terminator X MAx - it works OK but doesn’t seal the harness tight (rain.)
  15. 64nailhead

    HELP Problems with LS swap

    He has all Sport Comp II gauges in a Gran Prx dash that is completely customized other than the dash itself. I made the insert and wired all of it - can you say time consuming.
  16. 64nailhead

    HELP Problems with LS swap

    jwood1213 my son’s car has an all Autometer dash setup - tach, Speedo, oil, coolant, voltmeter, fuel level, boost - all wired analog connected to an MS3X. It has meth injection, multiple fuel pumps and multiple fans, EGT’s, boost and launch control. It utilizes the factory wiring for lights...
  17. 64nailhead

    Bumper shocks ‘84 MC SS

    I have a set of rear bumper shocks in good working order from an ‘84 Monte SS. The f you are interested in them, then send me PM. $10 + shipping expense and they are yours. I’m hate to throw them out to if someone can use them.
  18. 64nailhead

    HELP Problems with LS swap

    I’ve never messed with a 6L__ and Holley. Hopefully the base tune gets it to function enough to drive (wizard tune.) If you’re using a Holley, then hopefully the 4 extra ins and outs are enough - they are for most NA street cruisers. And they give you enough to do some neat stuff as well. I’m d...
  19. 64nailhead

    Does anyone know where I can find out fusebox removal...

    In terms of the wiring layout, they differ by what year and engine are installed. You have a couple of options to figure out what each wire’s function is : buy a factory service manual - I did this for my son’s ‘80 Cutlass and the pinout was spot on; or you can old school the pinout with a...
  20. 64nailhead

    Fuel pump upgrade

    That pump should work just fine. And it will work fine with the factory TPI fuel pressure regulator. It’s definitely not too large for your setup unless someone has changed the return line to an insanely small line. The only issue that you might have is when the tank is very low and you corner...

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