160 v. 180 thermostat

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Royal Smart Person
Jan 18, 2009
San Antonio, TX
I've run into a bit of a snag. A lot of guys are saying that the 160 degree thermostat is too low and doesn't allow the engine to run at the proper temp. They also mentioned that the engine won't lubricate itself properly. Everyone says to go with the 180 degree version. Problem is down here in south texas, ITS SO DAMN HOT! So the name of the game is to keep the car as cool as possible.

Plus I'm going to be driving my malibu from san antonio to college station, which is a 3 hour drive......if i do the speed limit. This car sees a lot of triple digit temps outside. So can I get some technical advice here please?


G-Body Guru
Jun 19, 2007
Methuen Ma.
Well I've been running a 160 thermostat for about 15 years with no problems at all!! In fact it lowered my engine temp from 220 to around 185-190 so i don't know why anyone would run a hotter 180 thermostat. I went from a 180 to a 160 and it made a big difference in temperature drop. I've never heard of an engine running too cool in the summer,,, maybe the winter you would want a 180 but who drives their cars in the snow?

monte olrac

G-Body Guru
Feb 11, 2009
Wichita damn Falls Tx.
really it depends on how well your cooling system works, but i would go with the 160 , I'm in wichita damn falls, and we get triple digits out here. you are going to reach operating tempeture with both but it may spike a bit higher with the 180


G-Body Guru
Jul 10, 2009
Goldsboro, NC
84GP455 said:
Well I've been running a 160 thermostat for about 15 years with no problems at all!! In fact it lowered my engine temp from 220 to around 185-190 so i don't know why anyone would run a hotter 180 thermostat. I went from a 180 to a 160 and it made a big difference in temperature drop. I've never heard of an engine running too cool in the summer,,, maybe the winter you would want a 180 but who drives their cars in the snow?

I have to agree with 84GP455. I get about the same temp results with a 160. :banana:


Comic Book Super Hero
May 29, 2006
Danbury, CT
as said, it depends on your cooling system condition. if a 160 stat keeps your car at 180-200 in your area, then go with it.
one other thing to do is run evans coolant. i have in inefficient stock radiator and a 195 stat with evans npg+ and i usually barely hit 180 in traffic without the fan. when the fan DOES kick in the temps DROP! and i don't have to worry about corrosion, coolant changes, or water mix.


Royal Smart Person
Jan 18, 2009
San Antonio, TX
The cooling system is fine on my car. I have a new 3 core radiator and swapped out the clutch fan for a straight one. I have to have this car ready to be a long distance driver for when I go to college.


Comic Book Super Hero
May 29, 2006
Danbury, CT
where does it run? the best way to test it is leave the car in the sun with the A/C on (if equipped). if it doesn't overheat you should be fine.
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