Ok, so I stopped by my trans guys shop right know (Lozano's Transmissons) Mr. Delfino is going to charge me $200.00 to install, includes the transmission swamp, new front input seal, since it was leaking at the shaft, all fluids, and notching of the drive shaft it needed, and i guess they are going to bypass the torque converter without at kit/relay, i guess theres away to do something about a solenoid in the trans, blah blah blah, idk what he was saying (trans talk) but he was like WE GOT THIS!!! thats nothing to worry about...lol...
All i need to do know is order the driver side extention so that the crossmember will bolt and line up, and take the xmember to get welded, cleaned and painted...Ace is one call away from installing my posi rear end...stay tuned!! Tummy Tuck COME BACK!!