Thank you Texas 82, I found out that the original vac.switch was defective so I tried to get a new one but no parts house had it or could get it for me so I went to the junk yard and picked one up.I cleaned it real good and installed it in the control head and after I was done,I turned the AC on and now I get really nice cold air tru all vent doors.What a job but I am glad I'm done with the ac system.
Now,to my next project.The fuel gauge barely shows any gas eventhough I have half a tank of gas.So,I am going to check the gauge itself and the wiring.If all that checks out ok,I am going to check the fuel sending unit.I'm guessing that the sender is inside the gas tank.
I have never replaced one on a G or A body before.It would be nice if there was a access door to get to the sending unit,that way,I will not have to drop the tank but I guess that's asking for too much.
Now,to my next project.The fuel gauge barely shows any gas eventhough I have half a tank of gas.So,I am going to check the gauge itself and the wiring.If all that checks out ok,I am going to check the fuel sending unit.I'm guessing that the sender is inside the gas tank.
I have never replaced one on a G or A body before.It would be nice if there was a access door to get to the sending unit,that way,I will not have to drop the tank but I guess that's asking for too much.