On the Canadian reports from Vintage Vehicle Services, it shows all of the original RPO codes for the car, as well as what those codes are. It also shows the actual production date for the car, the plant where it was built, and the dealership where the car was shipped after being built. Your car is quite well optioned-a good find for anyone. The dealership where the car I have was originally shipped, was not the original selling dealer. The previous owner of my car passed along a copy of the invoice for the car to its original owner. Having this paperwork, is a big help in preserving the history of any car.Very good description you gave. From what I see production numbers for the US was 202 and production numbers for Canada was 124. So overall production of V8 with 4 speed should be 326. Where they were shipped and sold nobody knows. This one obviously went to the US based on the invoice. I would guess the original buyer for the specifically based on how well option it is.