Yes, the 51061 is a taller canister of the same filter ( and 2x greater filter capacity ). I had bought a 6 pack of the 51069 a couple years back at a swap meet for $20.00 and disappointed to see there is only about 1.5" of filter media when I cut the can open vs the 4" of filter media the 51061. I try to stick with Wix as they seem to make a quality product and stand behind it.
FWIW I get involved with shipping a raw product to all the North American Oil Filter Manufacturing plants. There have been some acquisitions, mergers and name changes on manufacturing plants in the last 5-10 years.
There used to be Delco, Champion, Wix, Baldwin,Honeywell and Purloator. Now I ship to Wix, Champion, Baldwin and Mann+Hummell.
My understanding is that Champion and M+H bid on contract runs for other filters ( like K&N, Mobil 1, Delco, ect... ) and will put any name on any filter. Maybe just me but it doesn't seem likely they are re-tooling their whole line just for another manufacturers filter run.
Whereas Wix and Baldwin only manufacture what they sell.
If you look at the pics per site I linked to it shows that you would open a filter can and hope to see at least 4" of media. Keep in mind the link is appx 10 years old now. The sales reps I talk to ( and these guys tour these plants ) say like everyone else the manufacturers try and save $$ where they can ( but that I should buy Wix filters for anything I care about ) wink wink
😉 as the other guys are cheaping out on filter media and shorter filters in the cans.
Last word on this I promise. My DD 2003 - 4.3 Safari has 280 thousand kms / 175 thousand miles as a courier vehicle with 25% of that pulling a trailer. Still has great oil pressure. Not even the valve covers have been off it. I have run on whatever oil and filter was on sale for the first 10 years of its life. Now its cheap oil and wix filters LOL