Time for another update!
Today is a sad day... I sold my '81 Buick Wagon...
Luckily, one of my best friends bought it...

You'll see it back on the forum shortly...
Well, in order to help shake off the blues of watching my Buick drive away down the street to it's new home, I decided to tinker with the Cutlass wagon.
I hopped in it, and after a few cranks, it actually fired up by itself, without needing gas poured down the carb.

I let it run for a while and checked things out, then took it for a couple laps around the neighborhood to help console the loss of the other wagon.
Of course, when I got back, I shut it off and it wouldn't start again...
I felt ambitious, so I decided to put on the aluminum hood that I got last week from fellow forum member
I carefully popped the old hood off (not as easy by yourself) and got the new one on and adjusted.
I had to do a couple modifications to make it work, but both were extremely simple to do.
First, I removed the springs from my hood hinges, since the higher spring tension of the steel hood springs would easily damage the relatively delicate aluminum hood. I used a large vise-grip to slowly release the spring, and ended up with this.
I'll either make a prop rod, drill a hole in the hinge for a lock pin, or grab a set of correct aluminum hood hinges...
For now I have a broom handle that I used to use to keep the back glass of my Malibu wagon open.
Next, I had to cut the hood bumpers in half, as they were not allowing the hood to fall into the opening.
And that was all it took. Here's the finished product...