Well, we made it there and back successfully, even though I had some serious doubts about the piece of crap '95 4Runner we were driving.
We left Minneapolis at 7am Friday, stopping only for food and gas the entire trip.
We arrived in Sahaurita, AZ (south of Tucson) at about 11 am Saturday.
Picked up the car dolly at U-Haul, picked up the car, bullshitted with the guy for a bit, and were back on the road at 4pm.
Did I mention how horrifically underpowered the 4Runner is? Honest to god, my Buick V6 feels like it has more balls than this piece of sh*t. When we pulled off the 2 mile long wash-board of a dirt road the guy lived on, I could barely hit 40 mph. I turned off the a/c, and we were able to creep up to highway speed, so yeah, we got to drive through AZ and NM with no ****ing air. I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty awesome.
We took a different way and swung south through El Paso so we could avoid the mountains, since the 4runner stuggled though them without the car behind it, and I don't think we would've made it had we gone back the way we came. Driving with the overdrive turned off so we could stay in the minimal powerband the motor had to offer, we spun the motor at 4-4.5K rpms the whole way back, and with the weight of the Buick behind it, we yielded an impressve 10-11 mpg average.
Sunday as we made our way though Texas, we decided to fire the a/c up, since with the lower altitude, the car wasn't struggling with it on. We just had to make sure we turned it off when we were getting back onto the freeway after a stop.
In Oklahoma City, I noticed a very small radiator leak on the top of the tank, but we just bought a gallon of coolant to throw in the back just incase and I kept an eye on it at each stop.
Just north of Des Moines, IA we got pulled over because our taillights on the car dolly had gone out. The signals and brake lights were working fine, and the Trooper was super cool about it. I used a needle nose pliers to scrape the corrosion out of the plug, and they came back on.
We rolled back into town here at about 3:45 am today, and then unloaded the car and I grabbed all the gear I had brought along, and I got back home at just after 5am and took the greatest feeling shower of all time.
I'm excited to snag the motor out of it, even if I won't be able to use it for along time.
I'll post up the 3 pictures I took later.