A wire over by the battery that I forgot to plug in caused no spark. A none working injector. Timing out. And wires that weren't installed correctly even though the coil is labeled.
The Beabers said:Well thanks to mister Bweavy the car is running great, no more vacuum leaks, no more lifter tick, however my transmission is effed... lol.. YAY! guess i need to rebuild that too. In case anyone has any fast fixes, its shifting to early, and then its not down shifting like it should... it about wants to cut off when coming to a stop..
The Beabs.
chevy2480 said:I assuming it still has the 2004r if so unplug the wire from side of trans if the lockup selinoid is going bad it will cause the car to want to stall while stopping. Drive it and see what happens. It also sounds like the detent cable is missed adjusted causeing shift issues.
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