This kind of behavior is uncalled for, it's about respect for those who either by choice or became the victims of those cowards that hijacked the planes at the three crash sites. Passengers who knew they were going to die to ensure they fought to the end. Firefiighters, paramedics, police & some regular people doing what they knew was needed to help save others regardless of the danger & time available to get all they could out. Service members & cilvilians trying to get to there co-workers to save them. The people of America & the world coming together cause it wasn't just American citizens who were lost that day. This was something that impacted the world. Fast forward to today, the national pride is not there. The same group of people praised for there sacrifices to serve & protect & seen as the first line in the publics protection are now be villainized. Then too see the video & read the articles to see college students denoucing the memory, schools not allowing memorials, memorials being vandalized makes me wonder at times who won if the dead can't even get their respect & honor. As the saying goes, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”–George Santayana.