90's pontiac grand ams

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Comic Book Super Hero
Feb 16, 2009
Western MN
Dad to have a 92 Olds acieva 2 dr quad4 5 speed car. Power, what power. Ran like garbage. Of course it was bought for $500 and ran for 16 months. Scrapped it with 220K+. When it was cold it ran rough. OK in the summer though. Ended up with a blown head gasket, couldnt keep water in the thing, The oil must have had half a gallon of water in the thing in the end! :lol:

Personally, the Grand Prix, Regal Cutlass W body 2 drs are better beaters. The 93 Grand Prix beater that replaced the achieva has 217K now. Been hit with a deer, but it continues to run. Had a NICE 91 Regal that the cam sensor went out on. Had to pull the engine to repace it, otherwise it would still be around.

Theres like 8 people at our school with a mid 90's grand am. Bland cars. Not bad, just plasticy, and no personality.
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