A Call to Action

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Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Tony_SS said:
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
axisg said:
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
axisg said:
would you oppose a ban on assault weapons ??

I most certainly would. I have the same view on guns as the founders did. Guns in the hands of private citizens are the ultimate guarantee against tyranny. The Government should live in fear of the people, not the other way around. I chose not to own a gun, but I want the option left open to me should I ever change my mind. So, for me it is not that I wish to start a revolution, but I want the possibility to always exist in the backs of the minds of lawmakers. Misuse the public trust, and they will meet their ends with the bullets of the citizens. So long as they do not trample on our liberties, they should have nothing to fear now, should they?

For the love of Pete. I know this is an age old argument but what the hell do you need an assault rifle for ?? Hunting ?? I am not opposed to owning a rifle for hunting or property protection purpose but I see no reason to own a handgun or an assault rifle.

And in reference to the other poster, you do realize that the guns used in crime are stolen from somewhere don't you ?? Those would be registered owners that are having their guns stolen ( like assault rifles ) and putting them in the hands of crooks.

Go back and re-read my whole post. My reasons are perfectly clear there. I have no desire to go hunting. I want military grade hardware available to the average man to keep the government somewhat intimidated and for an ultimate check and balance. I just don't think the average person is allowed enough freedom now in their choice of weapons, and would prefer it if we were allowed the ownership of RPG's and full machine guns as well. I should be allowed to own a 50 cal and have it mounted in the bed of a pickup truck if I so choose.

Sir... I think you may be Al Quieda... were gonna have to come arrest you now...

Well, I know that is coming soon as the Democrats are trying to circumvent the Constitution and eliminate their political opposition. Happily, were anyone to try to find evidence of me having any of that stuff, they would come up empty handed as I don't own any weapons nor do I have the money to buy the one I would want (AK-47, but not to ever shoot it. I just want to take it apart and look at the engineering).


Royal Smart Person
Oct 14, 2006
You think they had any idea that gun and ammo sales would explode like they did? I think it caught them off guard and they're scrambling to catch ground.

At this point... we don't know how deep this hole gets and if our economy collapses, they only things that are going to be of any real value are guns, ammo and food. I'm trying to make room in budget for all of them so I don't have to stand in a FEMA line and beg them to take care of my family.


Comic Book Super Hero
Jul 17, 2007
DrRansom442 said:
axisg said:
but I see no reason to own a handgun

Hard to conceal carry a .30-06

That's my point right there. Are things so bad in the neighborhood you live in that you need to carry a concealed weapon ?

I have my rifle for protecting my family. I think that the 6 shots it holds will be more than enough to fend off an invader. I don't live in fear of some great economic collapse where there will be food lines and such. I just don't think there is any reason to sell assault rifles to the general public because they will end up in the wrong hands!
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
axisg said:
DrRansom442 said:
axisg said:
but I see no reason to own a handgun

Hard to conceal carry a .30-06

That's my point right there. Are things so bad in the neighborhood you live in that you need to carry a concealed weapon ?

I have my rifle for protecting my family. I think that the 6 shots it holds will be more than enough to fend off an invader. I don't live in fear of some great ecominc collapse where there will be food lines and such. I just don't think there is any reason to sell assault rifles to the general public because they will end up in the wrong hands @

You are far too trusting in government and society if you think that there is no need for the average man to have military firepower. I am not as concerned about someone breaking into my house and robbing me as I am about riots and mobs when society disintegrates around the failure of all the world's major fiat currencies. Hunger and desperation do funny things to a man, and even funnier things to large numbers of people. Read up on what is going on with the world's financial system and you will find good reason to be concerned. Besides, just because you don't want to own something doesn't mean you should prevent others from doing so. Crime will always exist. The fact that it does is not a reason to impose restrictions on the average man who is not a criminal. Just remember that you will never live in a safe world. Death is always possible at any time. Guns are one way it can happen, but there are plenty of other ways to die if no one shoots you. Always panicking about safety will not prolong your life indefinitely as the cold, clammy hand of death will eventually pull you into the grave no matter what you do. Safety is an illusion, death is reality.


Comic Book Super Hero
Jul 17, 2007
[quote="85 Cutlass Brougham
You are far too trusting in government and society if you think that there is no need for the average man to have military firepower. .[/quote]

are you serious ? Confession time , how many times have you watched Red Dawn ??


G-Body Guru
Aug 4, 2005
St Charles Missouri
axisg said:
DrRansom442 said:
axisg said:
but I see no reason to own a handgun

Hard to conceal carry a .30-06

That's my point right there. Are things so bad in the neighborhood you live in that you need to carry a concealed weapon ?

I have my rifle for protecting my family. I think that the 6 shots it holds will be more than enough to fend off an invader. I don't live in fear of some great economic collapse where there will be food lines and such. I just don't think there is any reason to sell assault rifles to the general public because they will end up in the wrong hands!

that I LIVE in --- no, but I live outside St Louis MO ... pretty consistantly in the top 5 most dangerous cities in the US. Then again I don't own a gun or have my CCW permit yet. Do I see a need or reason to conceal carry a handgun - are you kidding?????


G-Body Guru
Aug 4, 2005
St Charles Missouri
Banning assault weapons will NEVER keep them out of hands of criminals. If someone procures a fully automatic AK-47 with the intent of killing another human or robbing a bank. Do you really think he LEGALLY purchsed and registerred this weapon? Or do you think it was already a black market (and/or stolen) weapon. Restrictions on type of weapon only keep said weapons out of the hands of people that OBEY THE LAW !!!!!


Royal Smart Person
Oct 14, 2006
axisg said:
are you serious ? Confession time , how many times have you watched Red Dawn ??

Forget Hollywood, look at history. Look at Mexico right now, look at our economy, look at some of the Bills up for debate in Congress, look at all the states, 20 or more going for states sovereignty. These are not rumors, these are facts. Wake up man.. don't ever assume you're safe from evil or tyranny.. you don't have to live in fear if you're prepared. 8)


G-Body Guru
Oct 24, 2007
Lakeland, FL
axisg said:
And in reference to the other poster, you do realize that the guns used in crime are stolen from somewhere don't you ?? Those would be registered owners that are having their guns stolen ( like assault rifles ) and putting them in the hands of crooks.

Well, I guess the "other poster" is me, right?

No, I don't realize that the guns used in crime are all stolen from law abiding citizens. I don't realize that at all.

You have any facts to back that up? Highly doubtful, but if you produce them I will look at them objectively. I have looked for those stats and I haven't found anything except law enforcement shooting off at the mouth. No facts just mouth.

Here's what I DO know. I have read these statistics while I was active duty military. I will try to dig them out of cyberspace and post them in a link if I can find them. The numbers are round (it has been a few years) but I believe the number is 40 per cent.

In states where gun laws are less restrictive, the violent/gun crime rate is 40% lower than the states with restrictive laws. However, the incidence of law enforcement being assaulted is higher by about the same amount. The net result? It is safer for John Q. Public in those gun states, but more dangerous for Johnny Law. Well? He could have gotten a job at Wal-Mart! No one forced him to be a cop! He did that because he wanted to. I prefer MY OWN and MY FAMILY's safety first.

Second, in the countries that banned firearms (like Britain and Austrailia) for every day joes, the gun crime rate skyrockets by 80% compared to before the law change. But, far less law enforcement are injured.


I'll keep my guns, and the bigger the better.

Oh yeah, and it's okay if the cops are nervous. They are human and all too susceptible to the corruption of power and authority that a gun and a badge give them over an unarmed citizen.
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