Well, let's see here... A far larger percentage of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than did Democrats. The racist governors of southern states that tried to stop desegregation were all Democrats (Wallace, Faubos, etc.). Go watch "Eyes on the Prize" again on PBS (one of my all time favorite documentaries!). Remember that during the 1960's, southern politics were ruled mostly by the Democratic party due to their hatred of Lincoln which made it hard for a Republican to get elected due to the racial politics. Also: Define social progress. If you mean racial equality, that has always been a Republican stance, dating back to the time of Lincoln. If you mean granting special rights based on ethnicity, that is not, nor should it be. I will also add that if throwing money at a problem and Democratic programs have brought us such a huge amount of progress, why is the poverty rate essentially unchanged since before LBJ's Great Society? If anything it has proven a colossal failure and has done nothing but destroy families in poor communities.
Plus, your own words prove you as prejudiced against southerners and conservatives.