A Call to Action

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G-Body Guru
Aug 4, 2005
St Charles Missouri
Tony_SS said:
Didn't Australia's crime rate triple after they disarmed the public?

Dingos ate more babies.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
axisg said:
[quote="85 Cutlass Brougham
You are far too trusting in government and society if you think that there is no need for the average man to have military firepower. .

are you serious ? Confession time , how many times have you watched Red Dawn ??[/quote]

Maybe once, 20 years ago. I don't really watch movies as I prefer to watch documentaries instead. However, I do read the news (too poor to have cable) and see what is coming. I also do not trust our government seeing how it acted during the administrations of Woodrow Wilson and FDR. look at your history and you will see that there is no such thing as security.


Royal Smart Person
Oct 14, 2006
DrRansom442 said:
that I LIVE in --- no, but I live outside St Louis MO ... pretty consistantly in the top 5 most dangerous cities in the US. Then again I don't own a gun or have my CCW permit yet. Do I see a need or reason to conceal carry a handgun - are you kidding?????

You guys crack me up out there, like you'll never come back if you cross that river.. :lol:


G-Body Guru
Aug 4, 2005
St Charles Missouri
Tony_SS said:
DrRansom442 said:
that I LIVE in --- no, but I live outside St Louis MO ... pretty consistantly in the top 5 most dangerous cities in the US. Then again I don't own a gun or have my CCW permit yet. Do I see a need or reason to conceal carry a handgun - are you kidding?????

You guys crack me up out there, like you'll never come back if you cross that river.. :lol:

I cross it daily and I carry no gun. When I get my CCW it won't even be so I CAN carry a gun.


G-Body Guru
Aug 4, 2005
St Charles Missouri

btw Tony, I got the itch for some more shirts .... you gonna get any shirts for those of us fat AND tall? I bought some 2XL (or 3XL - I forget) which are fine as long as I remain hunched over lol.


Royal Smart Person
Oct 14, 2006
I get my CCW in the next couple weeks... after that, I'll need to find something to carry.

I can get the 2xl and 3xl tall shirts so you can wear them and stand straight up.. lol.. They are a couple bucks more. Just drop me an email when you're ready.


G-Body Guru
Jun 2, 2008
Crossville, TN
axisg said:
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
axisg said:
would you oppose a ban on assault weapons ??

I most certainly would. I have the same view on guns as the founders did. Guns in the hands of private citizens are the ultimate guarantee against tyranny. The Government should live in fear of the people, not the other way around. I chose not to own a gun, but I want the option left open to me should I ever change my mind. So, for me it is not that I wish to start a revolution, but I want the possibility to always exist in the backs of the minds of lawmakers. Misuse the public trust, and they will meet their ends with the bullets of the citizens. So long as they do not trample on our liberties, they should have nothing to fear now, should they?

For the love of Pete. I know this is an age old argument but what the hell do you need an assault rifle for ?? Hunting ?? I am not opposed to owning a rifle for hunting or property protection purpose but I see no reason to own a handgun or an assault rifle.

And in reference to the other poster, you do realize that the guns used in crime are stolen from somewhere don't you ?? Those would be registered owners that are having their guns stolen ( like assault rifles ) and putting them in the hands of crooks.

^ Keep thinking like that liberal. When you're at "Holiday FEMA" don't come crying to me.



Master Mechanic
Mar 20, 2008
axisg said:
would you oppose a ban on assault weapons ??

Yes, I would !!!


Master Mechanic
Mar 20, 2008
axisg said:
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
axisg said:
would you oppose a ban on assault weapons ??

I most certainly would. I have the same view on guns as the founders did. Guns in the hands of private citizens are the ultimate guarantee against tyranny. The Government should live in fear of the people, not the other way around. I chose not to own a gun, but I want the option left open to me should I ever change my mind. So, for me it is not that I wish to start a revolution, but I want the possibility to always exist in the backs of the minds of lawmakers. Misuse the public trust, and they will meet their ends with the bullets of the citizens. So long as they do not trample on our liberties, they should have nothing to fear now, should they?

For the love of Pete. I know this is an age old argument but what the hell do you need an assault rifle for ?? Hunting ?? I am not opposed to owning a rifle for hunting or property protection purpose but I see no reason to own a handgun or an assault rifle.

And in reference to the other poster, you do realize that the guns used in crime are stolen from somewhere don't you ?? Those would be registered owners that are having their guns stolen ( like assault rifles ) and putting them in the hands of crooks.

I might want to "assault" someone or something. One never knows. As Ted Nugent said, "If guns cause crime, mine are defective."
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
I think we need to ban baseball. After all, people do use baseball bats to kill with sometimes, so they should be banned. Come to think of it, ban all knives as they can be used for murder as well.

Assault Rifles are just an easy target to go after because the average white middle class prole out there, who knows little of the subject, can be easily convinced that they are a problem due to their name. However, they are not used in a large percentage of crimes as compared to hand guns. Then again, I would venture to say that cars are used more often in crime than any guns, so we should ban them too.

The thing is, there is a price to pay for living in a free and open society. There is not the 100% assumption of safety at all times, and risks abound. I however, would rather live with the small risks endemic to a free and open society than the false safety of an oppressive, tyrannical nanny state. I hope I am not alone, but the election of Obama leads me to think I am in the minority.
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