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85 Cutlass Brougham said:
You have to remember that during his time with ACORN, he pressured banks to give bad loans to low income people. That is one of the things they do with their "Community Organizing". The citizenship question may or may not be valid, but I feel that it is largely irrelevant as compared to some of the stances he has taken. I will also say that the majority of the sheeple out there are placated by flowery speeches read off a teleprompter and they do not consider actual substance. Plus, the latest pole I saw had him at 54% approval. Then again, polls are not as relevant a news item as they are made out to be. Much can be done by the pollster to influence the actual answer given which may or may not reflect a person's true beliefs, so I tend to dismiss most of them. Polls do not make a wrong thing right, unless you believe in a post-modernist philosophy where truth is relative and never absolute.

Extortion: the crime of obtaining something such as money or information from somebody by using force, threats, or other unacceptable methods… Now lets look at this, there is no physical force, threats could be made but essentially are empty at best since the ACORN as a group holds little power in the business or political world, the best bet would to use the tern unacceptable methods but then again, nothing other then lobbing was done… I don’t see how the small group of mostly uneducated people located in just a few areas can force the hand of major corporate banks. Corporate banks that the US government couldn’t even get to do what they wanted to with the money that was loaned to them, corporate banks that reside all over the nation and are filled with Ivy League school graduates. Lets get real for a second and look at who made the quick profit in all of this… was it Acorn or was it each bank that gave money to those they knew couldn’t pay and then sold them as prized investments

Also Acorn is a group… even if you want to loosely tie that as extortion or even a major pressure point (which I don’t see is possible because it doesn’t explain the other 80% of American in which Acorn did not exist but sub prime loans where given at the same rates) how can you blame the events or partakes of a organization on one person who according to O’realy was an educator and speaker and not a lobbyist or finical adviser, the only two rolls that would that could even be linked to a theory of participation in extortion

The citizenship question is Fluff, an unsupported distraction to cause doubt… I have yet to see 1 logical explanation that would have put Obama out side of the US on birth. The best one I’ve seen was the fly out the day before birth and fly back the day of/after but we all know his birth parents where dirt poor… flying to Kenya and back for a weekend trip would have been extremely expensive even for someone well off. Also it would have been both unsafe for the newborn and at the time of birth his father was a students and did not miss class so the mother would have had to go to Kenya alone.

I never got this teleprompter thing; pawning his speaking ability off to a teleprompter is illogical. The human read rate is slower then the normal human speech rate, combine that with distance, normal amounts of stress and a variety of other items it is impossible to speak as he does while reading directly off a teleprompter. Also it is common knowledge that Teleprompters have been used on almost every major stage (weather political or entertainment). If the teleprompter is the end all be all to giving a good speech then as an example bush should have given the same quality of speeches since more commonly then not used a teleprompter in his 8 years in the white house as well as his years as state government. Of course this is not the case when comparing the two speakers on many different analysis of speaking such as speed, infliction, and eye movement, head movement… so on and so fourth. It may be me, but the teleprompter lines are just more nonsense to attempt to belittle his given ability

TexasT said:
So why don't you explain how this guy managed to not only apply, get accepted, but was able to fund this very expensive education. How did he do it? I'd like to know as I want my children to follow and be able to get this expensive education if they chose.
There is a long listing of government grants, private grants, scholarships given to Obama for his high marks in education, there where also grants given by the school. Every one that pays for college knows that these items are on record… I hate to say it but to believe that the only way a poor person can go to a good school is to do something illegal is the complete opposite of the American dream… What happened to the “if you work for something you can achieve it” ideas that have been tossed around by every person against Obama when speaking of the poor and why they are poor? I guess that only works when someone does it and they convert to the rich way of thinking

TexasT said:
I'm not saying that windmills are or aren't better but why aren't we exploring on our own soil for energy? I'll give you a hint. Tree huggers have been able to manipulate the laws to prohibit exploration and the extraction of our own resources. Come on out to west Texas there are countless windmills.
Again, oil is non renewable, and being that its non renewable then by its meaning once its gone its gone… then what’s next (not saying it will all be gone in 10 years but eventually it will be gone). Oil is also not as efficient to produce, it also takes space in many cases exploring the US supply will be expensive too boot as well a cause for deforestation which ironical the forest is the root part of the oil that exist

Also, comparing TX (which is where I live now) to CA there are far, far, far less windmills per square mile.

TexasT said:
Generally experience is the best teacher. Finding successful management is better in my opinion than hiring un or non experienced management.
Then hopefully you did not vote or support for the last president (not to pick on bush unnecessarily), if experience is the best teacher then his track record with the multiple business he ran into the ground along his business span should have raised a red flag :roll:
The thing about the teleprompter is just how bad he is during any moment where he does not have one. He stutters and pauses and misspeaks when he is under any kind of pressure, and can't improvise. The man makes Dan Quayle look like Winston Churchill by comparison. Compare him to Sarah Palin, who wrote her own acceptance speech and lost the teleprompter midway through it, but never faltered.
CaStylin said:
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
You have to remember that during his time with ACORN, he pressured banks to give bad loans to low income people. That is one of the things they do with their "Community Organizing". The citizenship question may or may not be valid, but I feel that it is largely irrelevant as compared to some of the stances he has taken. I will also say that the majority of the sheeple out there are placated by flowery speeches read off a teleprompter and they do not consider actual substance. Plus, the latest pole I saw had him at 54% approval. Then again, polls are not as relevant a news item as they are made out to be. Much can be done by the pollster to influence the actual answer given which may or may not reflect a person's true beliefs, so I tend to dismiss most of them. Polls do not make a wrong thing right, unless you believe in a post-modernist philosophy where truth is relative and never absolute.

Extortion: the crime of obtaining something such as money or information from somebody by using force, threats, or other unacceptable methods… Now lets look at this, there is no physical force, threats could be made but essentially are empty at best since the ACORN as a group holds little power in the business or political world, the best bet would to use the tern unacceptable methods but then again, nothing other then lobbing was done… I don’t see how the small group of mostly uneducated people located in just a few areas can force the hand of major corporate banks. Corporate banks that the US government couldn’t even get to do what they wanted to with the money that was loaned to them, corporate banks that reside all over the nation and are filled with Ivy League school graduates. Lets get real for a second and look at who made the quick profit in all of this… was it Acorn or was it each bank that gave money to those they knew couldn’t pay and then sold them as prized investments

Also Acorn is a group… even if you want to loosely tie that as extortion or even a major pressure point (which I don’t see is possible because it doesn’t explain the other 80% of American in which Acorn did not exist but sub prime loans where given at the same rates) how can you blame the events or partakes of a organization on one person who according to O’realy was an educator and speaker and not a lobbyist or finical adviser, the only two rolls that would that could even be linked to a theory of participation in extortion

The citizenship question is Fluff, an unsupported distraction to cause doubt… I have yet to see 1 logical explanation that would have put Obama out side of the US on birth. The best one I’ve seen was the fly out the day before birth and fly back the day of/after but we all know his birth parents where dirt poor… flying to Kenya and back for a weekend trip would have been extremely expensive even for someone well off. Also it would have been both unsafe for the newborn and at the time of birth his father was a students and did not miss class so the mother would have had to go to Kenya alone.

I never got this teleprompter thing; pawning his speaking ability off to a teleprompter is illogical. The human read rate is slower then the normal human speech rate, combine that with distance, normal amounts of stress and a variety of other items it is impossible to speak as he does while reading directly off a teleprompter. Also it is common knowledge that Teleprompters have been used on almost every major stage (weather political or entertainment). If the teleprompter is the end all be all to giving a good speech then as an example bush should have given the same quality of speeches since more commonly then not used a teleprompter in his 8 years in the white house as well as his years as state government. Of course this is not the case when comparing the two speakers on many different analysis of speaking such as speed, infliction, and eye movement, head movement… so on and so fourth. It may be me, but the teleprompter lines are just more nonsense to attempt to belittle his given ability

TexasT said:
So why don't you explain how this guy managed to not only apply, get accepted, but was able to fund this very expensive education. How did he do it? I'd like to know as I want my children to follow and be able to get this expensive education if they chose.
There is a long listing of government grants, private grants, scholarships given to Obama for his high marks in education, there where also grants given by the school. Every one that pays for college knows that these items are on record… I hate to say it but to believe that the only way a poor person can go to a good school is to do something illegal is the complete opposite of the American dream… What happened to the “if you work for something you can achieve it” ideas that have been tossed around by every person against Obama when speaking of the poor and why they are poor? I guess that only works when someone does it and they convert to the rich way of thinking

TexasT said:
I'm not saying that windmills are or aren't better but why aren't we exploring on our own soil for energy? I'll give you a hint. Tree huggers have been able to manipulate the laws to prohibit exploration and the extraction of our own resources. Come on out to west Texas there are countless windmills.
Again, oil is non renewable, and being that its non renewable then by its meaning once its gone its gone… then what’s next (not saying it will all be gone in 10 years but eventually it will be gone). Oil is also not as efficient to produce, it also takes space in many cases exploring the US supply will be expensive too boot as well a cause for deforestation which ironical the forest is the root part of the oil that exist

Also, comparing TX (which is where I live now) to CA there are far, far, far less windmills per square mile.

TexasT said:
Generally experience is the best teacher. Finding successful management is better in my opinion than hiring un or non experienced management.
Then hopefully you did not vote or support for the last president (not to pick on bush unnecessarily), if experience is the best teacher then his track record with the multiple business he ran into the ground along his business span should have raised a red flag :roll:

So you have listed no, not one of these edowments, scholarships, grants, loans. NONE? I want to know what they are. My children NEED to go to college. The first two are getting high marks. I just wanted to know where to start.

I did as a matter of fact support Bush and his father for the record and I would do it again in a second. Do you even remember who the son ran against? Not the sharpest knife in the drawer and this whole economic meltdown could have happened eight years ago, if he would have been elected..

As far as oil or any of our other natural resources, renewable or other wise. We have the largest reserves in the world right here with in our borders. The rockies and the williston basin are virtually untapped. If the renewable wind and solar was econimically feasible it would already in use. Nukes are a viable option too but the fear factor regulates them untouchable.

I don't know where you get your info on drilling but it needs so updating from the fifties. The drilling pad takes up very little room and several directional wells can be drilled from one pad. This is being done all over DFW.

What about coal. SO dirty, I know. But the "new" scrubber technology cleans it up quite well.

I don't and haven't yet paid for college. I'm just a "Workin' Man" with high hopes for my children. Sorry I'm not as 'with it' as you.
here are some of those ivy league guys who got cheated.

I got this in my email today, and figured you should know how the dems are going to fix the auto industry. This shows what we are dealing with in this administration!!!

If they have a messiah, maybe he can change the Laws of physics !

Obama is also planning to invent new technologies that the dumb old auto engineers haven't been working on fast enough.
(From a senior level Chrysler person)

Monday morning I attended a breakfast meeting where the speaker/guest was David E. Cole, Chairman Center for Automotive Research (CAR). You have all likely heard CAR quoted, or referred to in the auto industry news lately.

Mr. Cole, who is an engineer by training, told many stories of the difficulty of working with the folks that the Obama administration has sent to save the auto industry. There have been many meetings where a 30+ year experience automotive expert has to listen to a newcomer to the industry, someone with zero manufacturing experience, zero auto industry experience, zero business experience, zero finance experience, and zero engineering experience, tell them how to run their business.

My favorite story is as follows:

There was a team of Obama people speaking to Mr. Cole (Engineer, automotive experience 40+ years, Chairman of CAR). They were explaining to Mr. Cole that the auto companies needed to make a car that was electric and liquid natural gas (LNG) with enough combined fuel to go 500 miles so we wouldn't "need" so many gas stations (A whole other topic). They were quoting BTU's of LNG and battery life that they had looked up on some website.

Mr. Cole explained that to do this you would need a trunk FULL of batteries and a LNG tank at big as a car to make that happen and that there were problems related to the laws of physics that prevented them from...

The Obama person interrupted and said (and I am quoting here) "These laws of physics? Who's rules are those, we need to change that. (Some of the others wrote down the law name so they could look it up) We have the congress and the administration. We can repeal that law, amend it, or use an executive order to get rid of that problem. That's why we are here, to fix these sort of issues".

God help us!

Maybe I don't want to know how he got his.
Well, that is just it. The Obama administration is full of people who know nothing of the realities they seek to implement. They took their poly-sci classes, and watched a few specials on PBS and feel they now know more than everyone else, even people who are specialists in the fields they seek to ruin. Most of his administration is made up of educated dumb ****s who know only what some college professor told them to think, or Al Gore's book preached to them. He is no better than Bush, and is, in fact worse. However, no one will blame him when gas prices hit $4 a gallon again later this year. After all, he wasn't an "Oil Man". No, in fact he has no clue about any private sector job whatsoever. All he knows is being an academic, or a trouble maker. He has no idea how the real world works other than misinformed theories by the far left extremist professors that bred him.

As for me, yes. I am college educated, and hopefully will be university educated within the next year too. However, no endowment or scholarship paid my way. No, for me it has been the generosity of my family that is paying my way. After all, I am a single white male with a piss poor High School GPA and NO ONE has a scholarship set up for my circumstance. Had I done as well in High School as I was capable of, I would have had most of my education paid for by private organizations and such.
Sorry this is long but yall covered a lot yesterday after i left
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
The thing about the teleprompter is just how bad he is during any moment where he does not have one. He stutters and pauses and misspeaks when he is under any kind of pressure, and can't improvise. The man makes Dan Quayle look like Winston Churchill by comparison. Compare him to Sarah Palin, who wrote her own acceptance speech and lost the teleprompter midway through it, but never faltered.
Here i disagree (for the most part) he has all was paused in his speeches, this is his speaking style, it is a cultural way of speech among African American speakers of history. He does have has a track record of stuttering which is likely because he is thinking what he is to say next, this is annoying at best but the response that is given is normally (well thought and presented.) I rather that then a rant about the “internets” or an answer the become way off topic very quickly. Obama has been more open to question and answer then any other current age politician that I can think of, for that there is no teleprompter and that is where you will get most of the stuttering or “ah”’s

The speaking skills barely of Palin compare those of Biden let alone Obama (bush < Palin </= Biden < Obama). She had 2 well spoken speeches in her run as vice president. All the others give and those given currently where of par or worse quality. Comparing best to best and worse to worse Obama over Palin every time
TexasT said:
here are some of those ivy league guys who got cheated.
I got this in my email today, and figured you should know how the dems are going to fix the auto industry. This shows what we are dealing with in this administration!!!
Maybe I don't want to know how he got his.
:rofl: You posted a random email as proof of actual conversation... I love the messiah reference, its funnier every time I here someone refer to him that way. But anyway, do you really believe that the combustion engine is efficient in its current form? There are many variations of the internal combustion engine that uses a variable compression ratio system to deliver not only more fuel efficiently but more horsepower and torque using the same fueling systems as today’s cars. Here’s a link to the MCE VCR-I, it is engine that has been in development for a long time but is currently looking into going into production - In late 1960’s auto makers fraught tooth and nail to stay with carbureted cars, claming that it would be almost impossible to double fuel economy but look at us now… we have cars like the Z06 that have 500+ hp and still a MPG of 20+ compared to the 155hp and 10mpg cars of that time
TexasT said:
So you have listed no, not one of these endowments, scholarships, grants, loans. NONE? I want to know what they are. My children NEED to go to college. The first two are getting high marks. I just wanted to know where to start.
I have/had a few from different places but I almost every major corporation gives a more the hand full of scholarships out… as I recall coca-cola gives one to pretty much anyone who submits a well written essay on the given topic, there is also the Stafford loan which is a subsidized loan and right now runs around 5.5% interest with no payment or gained interest until after graduation. And of course there’s the government loans like Fasfa that has both subsidized and unsubsidized loans available around 6.0% interest with no payments until graduation
TexasT said:
I did as a matter of fact support Bush and his father for the record and I would do it again in a second. Do you even remember who the son ran against? Not the sharpest knife in the drawer and this whole economic meltdown could have happened eight years ago, if he would have been elected...
Kerry was not the brightest but as far as schooling and business wise goes he had a far more prosperous background then bush Jr. Those where the terms you said you would rather pick “management” by and if that was the case then you would have chosen Kerry in the 2004 election
TexasT said:
As far as oil or any of our other natural resources, renewable or other wise. We have the largest reserves in the world right here with in our borders. The rockies and the williston basin are virtually untapped. If the renewable wind and solar was economically feasible it would already in use. Nukes are a viable option too but the fear factor regulates them untouchable.
Wind and solar are much economically feasible in long term use as well as less strain environmentally. Lets not get it twisted, It’s the start up cost that is the current deterrents just as the start up cost of development new engines, new software, new anything that isn’t widely used.
TexasT said:
I don't know where you get your info on drilling but it needs so updating from the fifties. The drilling pad takes up very little room and several directional wells can be drilled from one pad. This is being done all over DFW.
What is happening in DFW and all over TX is people taping relatively small oil mines, I get my monthly royalties from people who contracted to tap on my families lands an I can tell you its not much. Compare the couple little mining machines that are getting little amounts to what you are talking about with the rocky and Williston and then you have to add in the refineries, shipping, piping and environment effects on the areas (i.e. mining the Rockies could lead to unstable ground conditions in the distant future)… the area to out put combined with environmental effect is less with wind and solar energy then with oil.
TexasT said:
What about coal. SO dirty, I know. But the "new" scrubber technology cleans it up quite well.
Clean coal is a good idea but again it has a large start up cost which is why we haven’t moved to it… it is also non renewable so sooner or later we can not rely on that either
TexasT said:
I don't and haven't yet paid for college. I'm just a "Workin' Man" with high hopes for my children. Sorry I'm not as 'with it' as you.
I’m almost 25, had a child at 19… I worked at times 80+ hours a week while attending college full time and trying to be a good dad but I see now that work and school left me with little time to be a dad and at time i regreat the time lost that i can not get back … we are all at different spots in life but by no means am I downing you, our character, or you work ethic, or your political stance even if I don’t agree with it. as an American I believe that you should be able to hold, speak and support an idea peacefully. sorry if you took anything I wrote it that way
You are making my point for me. None of those things are cost effective. When looking at total cost, none of them add up so we plug along with the most cost effective things.

If this engine you describe or the wind or solar could be cost effective, believe me, they would be in use.

Actually the stuff in the DFW barnett Shale is natural gas and the reseves their are astounding to say the least. In addition to the oil in the rockies and the williston basin and the Permian Basin, unfortunately the cost to get it out of the ground is more than to just buy it from abroad. The oil sands in western Canada i another example of vast reservses. They are just more expensive than just importing the commodity.

I like to think of it as the walmart mentality. If it is cheaper there no matter the quality or source. People will come and buy it. That is what you will have to overcome to get where you seem to be going.

Better manager or not J. Kerry's views are what steered me away. Same with Da Bomber. Unfortunately you don't remember the J. Carter and the B. Klinton Admins to know why these types don't do well after elected. Big promises, unfortunately big empty promises.


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TexasT said:
You are making my point for me. None of those things are cost effective. When looking at total cost, none of them add up so we plug along with the most cost effective things.
in the short term no... But we are a nation whos companies look at the now and not the future... I have expanded more in the following responses

TexasT said:
If this engine you describe or the wind or solar could be cost effective, believe me, they would be in use.
no the MCR is a unleaded fuel engine just as cars are now, no extra batteries or panels or needs for the car to be smaller… The preas, yaras and “hyper mile” cars have low MPG because they have high compression ratios, high compression ratios normally equal less HP/TQ… what this engine does is give the engine high compression when it is at a constant speed and changes the compression to a lower one when more power is needed… It is a good vid, I suggest watching it

TexasT said:
Actually the stuff in the DFW barnett Shale is natural gas and the reseves their are astounding to say the least. In addition to the oil in the rockies and the williston basin and the Permian Basin, unfortunately the cost to get it out of the ground is more than to just buy it from abroad. The oil sands in western Canada i another example of vast reservses. They are just more expensive than just importing the commodity.
So why the argument to mine at home if the start up cost is the same as those cost are the same renewable one that are cheaper to produce and maintain in the long run? By keeping oil as it is we are dependent as a nation on the importation of oil. The current situation in the east has driven up our oil prices (that and greed by US oil refiners; ex price per barrel in ‘02 was $36 and as was just under $1 per gallon… in ‘08 when the price per barrel was $36 the price per gallon was over $2 and it had 10%-15% ethanol which is much cheaper the oil. Even with inflation there is a huge profit margin between those to years), what happens to the American people if America as to anger those in charge and oil was given at twice the cost or an embargo was emplaced?

TexasT said:
I like to think of it as the Wal-Mart mentality. If it is cheaper there no matter the quality or source. People will come and buy it. That is what you will have to overcome to get where you seem to be going.
Remember when gas when up so all the airlines up there prices except for one... the one who paid close to 4 cent more per gallon on there short term contract but in the long run saved more then a dollar when gas sky rocketed... that is the oil and automotive and banking industries right now... in it for short term and the now profit... this way of thinking has crippled the auto industry and the banking industry, if it wasn’t for foreign oil the oil industry would be in the same mess. We are indeed a “Wal-Mart” nation but probably sooner then later the American oil companies will get greedy again and force gas prices to rates unsustainable for the US people(FYI – I never blamed bush for high gas price’s, doing that is illogical) and the call for solar and wind energy will come again. We can not continue to live in the past if we are going to move into the future. In my option oil is not the future for our energy or cars but energy will be the first thing that oil will loss its market to

TexasT said:
Better manager or not J. Kerry's views are what steered me away. Same with Da Bomber. Unfortunately you don't remember the J. Carter and the B. Klinton Admins to know why these types don't do well after elected. Big promises, unfortunately big empty promises.
I don’t disagree with you about Kerry, not the brightest guy but I was making the point that there are no absolutes and that just because some one has experience does not mean its good experience or best for the nation. I do remember Clinton, hate him if you may but no the less his administration was a prosperous for one for the nation… its too bad that him getting “head” overshadowed most of it… And to be real, it happens all the time, people cheat on spouse regardless of possessions, bush Jr was accused of cheating, McCain did cheat…
CaStylin said:
TexasT said:
You are making my point for me. None of those things are cost effective. When looking at total cost, none of them add up so we plug along with the most cost effective things.
in the short term no... But we are a nation whos companies look at the now and not the future... I have expanded more in the following responses

TexasT said:
If this engine you describe or the wind or solar could be cost effective, believe me, they would be in use.
no the MCR is a unleaded fuel engine just as cars are now, no extra batteries or panels or needs for the car to be smaller… The preas, yaras and “hyper mile” cars have low MPG because they have high compression ratios, high compression ratios normally equal less HP/TQ… what this engine does is give the engine high compression when it is at a constant speed and changes the compression to a lower one when more power is needed… It is a good vid, I suggest watching it

TexasT said:
Actually the stuff in the DFW barnett Shale is natural gas and the reseves their are astounding to say the least. In addition to the oil in the rockies and the williston basin and the Permian Basin, unfortunately the cost to get it out of the ground is more than to just buy it from abroad. The oil sands in western Canada i another example of vast reservses. They are just more expensive than just importing the commodity.
So why the argument to mine at home if the start up cost is the same as those cost are the same renewable one that are cheaper to produce and maintain in the long run? By keeping oil as it is we are dependent as a nation on the importation of oil. The current situation in the east has driven up our oil prices (that and greed by US oil refiners; ex price per barrel in ‘02 was $36 and as was just under $1 per gallon… in ‘08 when the price per barrel was $36 the price per gallon was over $2 and it had 10%-15% ethanol which is much cheaper the oil. Even with inflation there is a huge profit margin between those to years), what happens to the American people if America as to anger those in charge and oil was given at twice the cost or an embargo was emplaced?

TexasT said:
I like to think of it as the Wal-Mart mentality. If it is cheaper there no matter the quality or source. People will come and buy it. That is what you will have to overcome to get where you seem to be going.
Remember when gas when up so all the airlines up there prices except for one... the one who paid close to 4 cent more per gallon on there short term contract but in the long run saved more then a dollar when gas sky rocketed... that is the oil and automotive and banking industries right now... in it for short term and the now profit... this way of thinking has crippled the auto industry and the banking industry, if it wasn’t for foreign oil the oil industry would be in the same mess. We are indeed a “Wal-Mart” nation but probably sooner then later the American oil companies will get greedy again and force gas prices to rates unsustainable for the US people(FYI – I never blamed bush for high gas price’s, doing that is illogical) and the call for solar and wind energy will come again. We can not continue to live in the past if we are going to move into the future. In my option oil is not the future for our energy or cars but energy will be the first thing that oil will loss its market to

TexasT said:
Better manager or not J. Kerry's views are what steered me away. Same with Da Bomber. Unfortunately you don't remember the J. Carter and the B. Klinton Admins to know why these types don't do well after elected. Big promises, unfortunately big empty promises.
I don’t disagree with you about Kerry, not the brightest guy but I was making the point that there are no absolutes and that just because some one has experience does not mean its good experience or best for the nation. I do remember Clinton, hate him if you may but no the less his administration was a prosperous for one for the nation… its too bad that him getting “head” overshadowed most of it… And to be real, it happens all the time, people cheat on spouse regardless of possessions, bush Jr was accused of cheating, McCain did cheat…

I guess the bottom line is I'll never buy another wrong wheel drive. I will never buy a four cylinder car. I can't pull my trailers with a prius or any of the other vehicles the foreign mfgs offer. It is beginning to look like I will never buy a new vehicle again.

The "new" administration is a bunch of klinton 'rehires'. So much for change.

You can reiterate all you want about how 'great' renewable energy could and 'will' be. Bottom line is if it won't generate a profit it will NEVER get off the ground. You are young yet. Maybe some day you will see this. I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm just saying it won't until it can make profits. If you can't line the pockets of the hangers on, nothing is going to get done. This is known as politics.
CaStylin said:
TexasT said:
You are making my point for me. None of those things are cost effective. When looking at total cost, none of them add up so we plug along with the most cost effective things.
in the short term no... But we are a nation whos companies look at the now and not the future... I have expanded more in the following responses

TexasT said:
If this engine you describe or the wind or solar could be cost effective, believe me, they would be in use.
no the MCR is a unleaded fuel engine just as cars are now, no extra batteries or panels or needs for the car to be smaller… The preas, yaras and “hyper mile” cars have low MPG because they have high compression ratios, high compression ratios normally equal less HP/TQ… what this engine does is give the engine high compression when it is at a constant speed and changes the compression to a lower one when more power is needed… It is a good vid, I suggest watching it

TexasT said:
Actually the stuff in the DFW barnett Shale is natural gas and the reseves their are astounding to say the least. In addition to the oil in the rockies and the williston basin and the Permian Basin, unfortunately the cost to get it out of the ground is more than to just buy it from abroad. The oil sands in western Canada i another example of vast reservses. They are just more expensive than just importing the commodity.
So why the argument to mine at home if the start up cost is the same as those cost are the same renewable one that are cheaper to produce and maintain in the long run? By keeping oil as it is we are dependent as a nation on the importation of oil. The current situation in the east has driven up our oil prices (that and greed by US oil refiners; ex price per barrel in ‘02 was $36 and as was just under $1 per gallon… in ‘08 when the price per barrel was $36 the price per gallon was over $2 and it had 10%-15% ethanol which is much cheaper the oil. Even with inflation there is a huge profit margin between those to years), what happens to the American people if America as to anger those in charge and oil was given at twice the cost or an embargo was emplaced?

TexasT said:
I like to think of it as the Wal-Mart mentality. If it is cheaper there no matter the quality or source. People will come and buy it. That is what you will have to overcome to get where you seem to be going.
Remember when gas when up so all the airlines up there prices except for one... the one who paid close to 4 cent more per gallon on there short term contract but in the long run saved more then a dollar when gas sky rocketed... that is the oil and automotive and banking industries right now... in it for short term and the now profit... this way of thinking has crippled the auto industry and the banking industry, if it wasn’t for foreign oil the oil industry would be in the same mess. We are indeed a “Wal-Mart” nation but probably sooner then later the American oil companies will get greedy again and force gas prices to rates unsustainable for the US people(FYI – I never blamed bush for high gas price’s, doing that is illogical) and the call for solar and wind energy will come again. We can not continue to live in the past if we are going to move into the future. In my option oil is not the future for our energy or cars but energy will be the first thing that oil will loss its market to

TexasT said:
Better manager or not J. Kerry's views are what steered me away. Same with Da Bomber. Unfortunately you don't remember the J. Carter and the B. Klinton Admins to know why these types don't do well after elected. Big promises, unfortunately big empty promises.
I don’t disagree with you about Kerry, not the brightest guy but I was making the point that there are no absolutes and that just because some one has experience does not mean its good experience or best for the nation. I do remember Clinton, hate him if you may but no the less his administration was a prosperous for one for the nation… its too bad that him getting “head” overshadowed most of it… And to be real, it happens all the time, people cheat on spouse regardless of possessions, bush Jr was accused of cheating, McCain did cheat…

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