CaStylin said:Yes, most of Americans are living beyond its means if they own a house, gambling that there means will improve to give breathing room on there investment (the house/mortgage) but honestly the yearly cost of rent in America is 80% to the amount of yearly mortgage when matching locations but losses the tax benefits, space benefits and investment benefits of a houseTexasT said:60% of the take home pay for their housing is someone living beyond their means. If you don't think so I see why we disagree an many issues.
I don’t know how much of your budget goes to mortgage/rent but i take it is close to or above 40%... IDK, just guessing, $20 an hour on a 150k house gives $1,500 a month in mortgage payments with a avg monthly take home pay of around 2,940 (using a 15% tax- no deductions) leaving the housing spend rate at 50% of the take home… (Please don’t take it personal if my guess is wrong). A person making $10 an hour in a full time job makes $400 a week, maybe $340 take home pay. If rent is $500 a month he is not living in the best of areas and likely only has one bedroom and he is still spending almost 30% of his take home on rent not including water, gas, & electric bills. This person also gets nothing back like the mortgage holder does but is living with in his mean. I'm not saying it is the best financial thing to do We stress our budgets so we can live somewhere nice/safe. I could easily afford an apartment in the hood and have my rent be +/-30% of my take home pay, but by living there i jeopardize not only my other personal property.
gotta agree there and since a pretty good chunk of la showed up there after the hurricane, the hood is ever expanding there. That is one of the reasons we left in 06.