I'm thinking of the same thing on my 87 MCSS Aero. My plan is to cover one panel at a time. so the cost comes over time. not one big shot $800 bill. Start with :
1 ) Hood
2 ) Trunk and wing
3 ) Front fender L Then R
4 ) Door L Then R
5 ) Front Bumper
6 ) Rear Bumper
7 ) Roof Top
8 ) Quarters L then R
The trick will be the roof going into the quaters, this is why i am leaving for last. Plus the quarters will cover the rocker panel. Roof top cover the "A pillar" and around Quarters Windows.
But I also heard some good things. Yes they are vinyls that last about 3-4 years, but just like mostly everything else in the aftermarket world, you get what you pay for. So there are some vinyls that can last up to 10 years. Now think of this for a sec. Lets say you replace you vinyl in 8 years. most of us really want to hold are cars until we are dead and buried with our pride and joys. But sometimes it really does not happen that way and life don't plan out the way we want it.
But for the lucky few who can stay with your rides for 24+ years. Wraping your car once ever 8 Years and pay about $1,000 to $1,500 for a better vinyl the total cost in 2012 prices. Just like most repairs a simple replacement of a small section will not cost as must as much. I do know vinyl is not what most of us want. but there are a few of us that will suit us just fine on keeping are cars more on the road then some damn resto guy promising us" Yeah I will have in 2 more months" Then to come to find out it has been over a year and they guy is just 1/2 way through it. Been then, done that, twice 🙁. different body guys too. My bad luck. But there are a few guys that get lucky with the right body guy in the the right mood. Not going through a mood swing and the planets are all lined up just right.
So in the end of this long reply. Good luck with anyone planing on a vinyl job and the one sticking to tradition. Just keep us all posted in the whole process. I will try to do the same as soon as I finally choose which damn white of many to choose from. :shock: