any vinyl wrap g bodies here?

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Jan 27, 2012
not sure it really adds all that much to the conversation, but i know there is a couple places down here locally that specialize in the vinyl wraps. mostly used on boats, quads, car haulers, etc... especialy where graphics or pictures are wanted/needed. seems to look pretty cool and all, but when i have sen it done in person you can always tell its not paint, that its some kind of vinyl wrap. not sure i can really picture a car completely wrapped with a single color in place of paint looking good up close and in person, but that could just be the traditionalist in me :mrgreen: . of course, thats the great thing about building your own project. you get to do what you want and to hell with everyone else. all that counts is that the guy who put the time, money and effort into it is happy with the results.


G-Body of the Month
Aug 8, 2011
If you are going for something that is supposed to be a replacement for a normal paint job won't it be obvious once you open your doors or trunk and even your hood seeing where the vinyl ends.
I guess I am traditional since I think nothing looks better than a nice paint job and even if you change the color of your car you can paint everything and with vinyl once it's on that is as good as it gets, not shiny enough or you accidently get some light scratches from wrenching oh well you won't be breaking out the buffer to fix that.
Also on gbodies there are so mant tight corners and you have drip rails go over.
I think a paint job might intially cost more but over time would be cheaper if done right and well maintained where a vinyl will be cheapest the first time after that you are paying to have old vinyl removed before you getting new vinyl installed.


Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
I know a person who did it to keep the paint on his new car new so when he sells it in 5 years the paint will still look new and he figures he'll make on the investment to cover the car in vinyl. I know of two other guys who like to do something with their cars but they have leases the company pays for so they cover it with what they want and when they return the car it's back to what it was.
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