Anyone live in New Hampshire? Ron Paul needs your votes ASAP

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Re: Anyone live in Iowa? Ron Paul needs your votes ASAP

There is no proof or any info that shows he hates gays at all. He said on a debate that gay marriage should be between the church and the people. Not the government and voting. Also there are no records of him hating on gays ever in his life time. It is just more article to try to bash Ron Paul so he does not win. Stop listening to the media and other news organizations plus news papers. They want you to vote for Romney or Ginrich. That way nothing will really change in the white house. With Ron Paul in there a ton of people would loose there job and sh*t would go down in the white house. The establishment would be pissed off and throw a hissy fit about the whole new change. That is why everyone does not want Ron Paul to win. So please forget everything you have heard, red, or talked to with people and vote Ron Paul. If your still unsure go to
Re: Anyone live in Iowa? Ron Paul needs your votes ASAP

thats why he wouldnt be able to shake up the govt as much as is needed. he still needs congress to approve his actions. i was personally thinking of ron paul but am now thinking of rick santorum. i dont think one of the candidates fits exactly what we need. they each have their good points and bad. we need a combo. i think rons stand on military 'diplomacy' will hurt him. sometimes we need to take action b4 it happens. look at iran. they need to be stopped. i think ron would make a great VP maybe santorum as pres, gotta hear/see more. but like was said if romney or gingrich get the nod then itll prob be more the same. gingrich has some great ideas and he seems to play nice with people when he needs to. which makes me not trust him completely, but he does know how to argue!! after all he was the speaker during mr bills presidency. romney, i just dont know he may be too mid way thought. when herman was running i thought he had a good chance. why all of a sudden does his infidelity matter?!?!? clinton got elected??? kennedy got elected??? herman is a business man thru & thru and was a CEO of a national company that he brought back from almost failing. now i think that would have shook up washington. but the media didnt want him. so know he is sidelined. bachmann, has some great thoughts as well and also can debate, but due the the media i dont think she has a chance. perry?!?! he was blown out of proportion from the start.

again i dont think any are perfect just 2 really seem to answer my thought patterns. paul and santorum not necessarily in that order. i dont like ron pauls thought on military isolationism and need to hear more on rick.

i really hope that the underdogs pull out a few early wins. the top guys need to be humbled. but it seems that romney and gingrich are chameleons and can fit into different perspectives. again why i dont trust them.
Re: Anyone live in Iowa? Ron Paul needs your votes ASAP

I would love to see Ron Paul pres. I dont agree with EVERYTHING hes about, but hes a hell of a lot better than any of the other bullshitters.
Re: Anyone live in Iowa? Ron Paul needs your votes ASAP

Anybody that is all about following the constitution and getting rid of the over reaching government that runs is now will get my vote. I believe Ron Paul is the only man in that group that is not bought and paid for.
Re: Anyone live in Iowa? Ron Paul needs your votes ASAP

87z16 said:
thats why he wouldnt be able to shake up the govt as much as is needed. he still needs congress to approve his actions. i was personally thinking of ron paul but am now thinking of rick santorum. i dont think one of the candidates fits exactly what we need. they each have their good points and bad. we need a combo. i think rons stand on military 'diplomacy' will hurt him. sometimes we need to take action b4 it happens. look at iran. they need to be stopped. i think ron would make a great VP maybe santorum as pres, gotta hear/see more. but like was said if romney or gingrich get the nod then itll prob be more the same. gingrich has some great ideas and he seems to play nice with people when he needs to. which makes me not trust him completely, but he does know how to argue!! after all he was the speaker during mr bills presidency. romney, i just dont know he may be too mid way thought. when herman was running i thought he had a good chance. why all of a sudden does his infidelity matter?!?!? clinton got elected??? kennedy got elected??? herman is a business man thru & thru and was a CEO of a national company that he brought back from almost failing. now i think that would have shook up washington. but the media didnt want him. so know he is sidelined. bachmann, has some great thoughts as well and also can debate, but due the the media i dont think she has a chance. perry?!?! he was blown out of proportion from the start.

again i dont think any are perfect just 2 really seem to answer my thought patterns. paul and santorum not necessarily in that order. i dont like ron pauls thought on military isolationism and need to hear more on rick.

i really hope that the underdogs pull out a few early wins. the top guys need to be humbled. but it seems that romney and gingrich are chameleons and can fit into different perspectives. again why i dont trust them.

Wait you are considering Santorum? There is soooo much baggage with him it is not even funny!! The only guy that really is for change is Ron Paul. Also to say that Ron Paul is crazy with his foreign Policy and you do not like well. Well Michael Scheuer endorses Ron Paul and he is a former CIA’s agent charged with tracking Osama bin Laden. So if this like Ron Paul that he must also like his foreign policy. Ron Paul also got more contribution from active duty military then all the other republicans combined. So if that is not enough to get you to support him on this issue watch this video and this should help you out more on supporting Ron Paul's Foreign Policy
Re: Anyone live in Iowa? Ron Paul needs your votes ASAP

NDAA - that is all.

He's the only candidate not in support of that crap legislation that Obama signed into law on 12/31. This, the Patriot Act, and the Enemy Expatriation Act will certainly strip you of all constitutional rights.

We won't see this kind of things have an immediate effect on normal people like you or I but that will change. It's cliche to say this, but it's not a question of if, it's a question of when.
Re: Anyone live in Iowa? Ron Paul needs your votes ASAP

Tuggy24g said:
87z16 said:
thats why he wouldnt be able to shake up the govt as much as is needed. he still needs congress to approve his actions. i was personally thinking of ron paul but am now thinking of rick santorum. i dont think one of the candidates fits exactly what we need. they each have their good points and bad. we need a combo. i think rons stand on military 'diplomacy' will hurt him. sometimes we need to take action b4 it happens. look at iran. they need to be stopped. i think ron would make a great VP maybe santorum as pres, gotta hear/see more. but like was said if romney or gingrich get the nod then itll prob be more the same. gingrich has some great ideas and he seems to play nice with people when he needs to. which makes me not trust him completely, but he does know how to argue!! after all he was the speaker during mr bills presidency. romney, i just dont know he may be too mid way thought. when herman was running i thought he had a good chance. why all of a sudden does his infidelity matter?!?!? clinton got elected??? kennedy got elected??? herman is a business man thru & thru and was a CEO of a national company that he brought back from almost failing. now i think that would have shook up washington. but the media didnt want him. so know he is sidelined. bachmann, has some great thoughts as well and also can debate, but due the the media i dont think she has a chance. perry?!?! he was blown out of proportion from the start.

again i dont think any are perfect just 2 really seem to answer my thought patterns. paul and santorum not necessarily in that order. i dont like ron pauls thought on military isolationism and need to hear more on rick.

i really hope that the underdogs pull out a few early wins. the top guys need to be humbled. but it seems that romney and gingrich are chameleons and can fit into different perspectives. again why i dont trust them.

Wait you are considering Santorum? There is soooo much baggage with him it is not even funny!! The only guy that really is for change is Ron Paul. Also to say that Ron Paul is crazy with his foreign Policy and you do not like well. Well Michael Scheuer endorses Ron Paul and he is a former CIA’s agent charged with tracking Osama bin Laden. So if this like Ron Paul that he must also like his foreign policy. Ron Paul also got more contribution from active duty military then all the other republicans combined. So if that is not enough to get you to support him on this issue watch this video and this should help you out more on supporting Ron Paul's Foreign Policy

i watched the video completely thru. i can see his points but i still say something needs to be done with russia iran and n korea as well as china. a sit back and watch what happens stance isnt good enuff. i agree that you defend yourself and fix home first and i agree with that. but certain things need to be taken care of before it gets out of hand. sure our government made some of their own messes but if we sit back now itll give them the courage to strike at us. after all look at chinas recent annoucement of a missle that is being developed to strike a moving ship up to 1700mi away. they come in at such an angle that we cant defend ourselves from them yet. their j-20 project, stealth fighter. their recent aircraft carrier that they purchased from ukraine. their 29 modern submarines. then look at russia with getting upset that our missile defenses in europe arent just for iran. and then saying that they are pointed missles at us in retaliation. putin and his clan need to be sidelined. they are trying to flex their muscles again now that they are richer from selling oil. then the whole thing with n korea especially know we dont know what kim jung un is capable of and who pulls his strings. now with irans assertion that they will block the straights of hormuz and their nuclear capabilities?? if we sit back and allow things to happen itll just make them stronger as well. granted our government made mistakes but these others will not drop their quests to rid the world of america and what we stand for as a country. ok bringing our soldiers home will increase our strength but then the liberal/socialists will make it that the budget decreases for the military cause now there is no need to keep the budget that high. thus degrading our military so it will couteract what it is meant to do. they dont need all those people to defend our borders. instead of say 10 to keep say 10miles protected they will find a way to do that with 2 soldiers. so it all is a vicious cycle. you dont do this and we wont give u what u want. they need to get all the lawyers out of washington once and for all.

we also need someone with the backbone to get that pipeline built from canada and some governors like the one in my state to allow fracking. between these 2 we can supply our own refined oil and add quite a bit of jobs in the short and long term. then not have to contend and pay some nut job that doesnt support us.

just to make sure. i am not trying to flame and start an argument. i just want to see another side of things and just hear a good answer to my questions i have. hell i still ask dems what was so bad about palin?? they just say she was stupid. i ask what was so stupid that she did or said? u dont know how many times i heard cause they watch cnn or read the ny times and they say she is or i also got the answer cause she said that she can see russia from her doorstep. oh give me a break. the woman was just saying that she is close in distance to them. how bout when al gore was in monticello and saw a bust of jefferson and asked whose that??

do you have any other info for me to look at??

i heard some negative things about santorum today. about his 0% mortgage that he obtained and a few other bank releated info.
Re: Anyone live in Iowa? Ron Paul needs your votes ASAP


I heard a lot of what "I" want, and what "you" think should happen in your post. That is awesome brother. What we want is what should happen, we being the people. I think with Ron Paul your voice will actually matter. The things he wants to do to get our voices heard matter. If the majority of this country feels we should be tackling the issues with Russia and China then that is great. Currently the government could care less what we think. Your opinions posted here should be heard by your reps, your senators, and your president. The way things have been ran for the last 30 years have eliminated your voice. I really do think Ron Paul would be more willing to listen to America than all the other guys he is campaigning against.
Re: Anyone live in Iowa? Ron Paul needs your votes ASAP

87z16 said:
Tuggy24g said:
87z16 said:
thats why he wouldnt be able to shake up the govt as much as is needed. he still needs congress to approve his actions. i was personally thinking of ron paul but am now thinking of rick santorum. i dont think one of the candidates fits exactly what we need. they each have their good points and bad. we need a combo. i think rons stand on military 'diplomacy' will hurt him. sometimes we need to take action b4 it happens. look at iran. they need to be stopped. i think ron would make a great VP maybe santorum as pres, gotta hear/see more. but like was said if romney or gingrich get the nod then itll prob be more the same. gingrich has some great ideas and he seems to play nice with people when he needs to. which makes me not trust him completely, but he does know how to argue!! after all he was the speaker during mr bills presidency. romney, i just dont know he may be too mid way thought. when herman was running i thought he had a good chance. why all of a sudden does his infidelity matter?!?!? clinton got elected??? kennedy got elected??? herman is a business man thru & thru and was a CEO of a national company that he brought back from almost failing. now i think that would have shook up washington. but the media didnt want him. so know he is sidelined. bachmann, has some great thoughts as well and also can debate, but due the the media i dont think she has a chance. perry?!?! he was blown out of proportion from the start.

again i dont think any are perfect just 2 really seem to answer my thought patterns. paul and santorum not necessarily in that order. i dont like ron pauls thought on military isolationism and need to hear more on rick.

i really hope that the underdogs pull out a few early wins. the top guys need to be humbled. but it seems that romney and gingrich are chameleons and can fit into different perspectives. again why i dont trust them.

Wait you are considering Santorum? There is soooo much baggage with him it is not even funny!! The only guy that really is for change is Ron Paul. Also to say that Ron Paul is crazy with his foreign Policy and you do not like well. Well Michael Scheuer endorses Ron Paul and he is a former CIA’s agent charged with tracking Osama bin Laden. So if this like Ron Paul that he must also like his foreign policy. Ron Paul also got more contribution from active duty military then all the other republicans combined. So if that is not enough to get you to support him on this issue watch this video and this should help you out more on supporting Ron Paul's Foreign Policy

i watched the video completely thru. i can see his points but i still say something needs to be done with russia iran and n korea as well as china. a sit back and watch what happens stance isnt good enuff. i agree that you defend yourself and fix home first and i agree with that. but certain things need to be taken care of before it gets out of hand. sure our government made some of their own messes but if we sit back now itll give them the courage to strike at us. after all look at chinas recent annoucement of a missle that is being developed to strike a moving ship up to 1700mi away. they come in at such an angle that we cant defend ourselves from them yet. their j-20 project, stealth fighter. their recent aircraft carrier that they purchased from ukraine. their 29 modern submarines. then look at russia with getting upset that our missile defenses in europe arent just for iran. and then saying that they are pointed missles at us in retaliation. putin and his clan need to be sidelined. they are trying to flex their muscles again now that they are richer from selling oil. then the whole thing with n korea especially know we dont know what kim jung un is capable of and who pulls his strings. now with irans assertion that they will block the straights of hormuz and their nuclear capabilities?? if we sit back and allow things to happen itll just make them stronger as well. granted our government made mistakes but these others will not drop their quests to rid the world of america and what we stand for as a country. ok bringing our soldiers home will increase our strength but then the liberal/socialists will make it that the budget decreases for the military cause now there is no need to keep the budget that high. thus degrading our military so it will couteract what it is meant to do. they dont need all those people to defend our borders. instead of say 10 to keep say 10miles protected they will find a way to do that with 2 soldiers. so it all is a vicious cycle. you dont do this and we wont give u what u want. they need to get all the lawyers out of washington once and for all.

we also need someone with the backbone to get that pipeline built from canada and some governors like the one in my state to allow fracking. between these 2 we can supply our own refined oil and add quite a bit of jobs in the short and long term. then not have to contend and pay some nut job that doesnt support us.

just to make sure. i am not trying to flame and start an argument. i just want to see another side of things and just hear a good answer to my questions i have. hell i still ask dems what was so bad about palin?? they just say she was stupid. i ask what was so stupid that she did or said? u dont know how many times i heard cause they watch cnn or read the ny times and they say she is or i also got the answer cause she said that she can see russia from her doorstep. oh give me a break. the woman was just saying that she is close in distance to them. how bout when al gore was in monticello and saw a bust of jefferson and asked whose that??

do you have any other info for me to look at??

i heard some negative things about santorum today. about his 0% mortgage that he obtained and a few other bank releated info.
Here are some more for you 🙂

I know this is a forum thread and most can people say well they are only option when on forums or not all correct. Just read this forum and it should shocked you a little about good old Santorum. ... 743311/pg1
Re: Anyone live in New Hampshire? Ron Paul needs your votes

ok watched those videos, THANK YOU. and i see his points and agree. but i would still like to know more about santorum. if the negatives are true then he has some real ethical issues. well things will now come out about him now he is a front runner. i hope romney/gingrich gets the drift now. they just arent going to walk away from the group.
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