CHRIS.O said:
I partially agree with ya. Most of my jobs have been customer service and I am done with them for good. Pay me 8 bucks an hour to deal with *ssh*les. No thanks. I'd rather stamp a part in a factory for 10 an hour. Sucks those are about our only choices now a days. Joining the military has been really really tempting lately.
Like Ive said before...if your not making 12.50/ are getting ripped off! Why? Look at the cost of living versus the pay since the yr I was born. In 1964, gas cost .35/gallon, a ford mutant cost 2300.00, a single beer in a bar cost 50cents. the minimum wage in 1964 was 1.25/hr .... now compare our prices today to the minimum wage...and you will see that 10.00/hr isnt enough to live off why is the minimum wage still 7.25/hr? Raise it to 12.50/hr and those people will start spending money, paying more taxes, and putting others back to hell with the corporations and the jackasses they rode in on!.....sorry...just gets me so pissed off when I think about it.