Easiest old school way is to use a multi-meter to check for current draw . If you have one that has amp settings , you disconnect a battery cable , and connect the meter inline between the battery and the cable . Sit the meter where you can see it , if possible . And start pulling fuses one at a time . When you see a signifigant drop in the amp draw , you have found the circuit that has a short . That will at least put you in the right direction toward finding it , bear in mind that will/might power several things though. Also , the alternator can have a short in the " trio " and can draw power . It could be something as silly as a speaker wire rubbed bare or just touching . I have found things before that have made me scratch my head thinking how minute it seemed , but drained a battery quite fast . Hope this helps , or at least gives you some ideas.... A circuit testor light can be used as well if you dont have a meter , but its a bit harder to trace it down , and not as accurate .