Best of Both Worlds?

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Sep 16, 2009
Okay, so, my project begins with a lil irony. I got my hands on an 85 Regal last year. The car was free, but to put it bluntly, needed some work. I live in Ohio and this car has been dying in Ohio till I got my hands on it. Rotted quarter panels, rotted passenger door (which was stuck closed), and most likely rotted floor. On the plus side it had a perfect front clip, nice clean blue interior, nice dash and good running 3.8. So I was on the lookout for a donor car, which I could get some doors. I was pretty sure with the salty state of things in Ohio (pun) that I wouldn't find a good set of quarters and rockers so I was pretty much prepared with having to fabricate my own.
Then I came upon my donor car, an 85 Cutlass. Good doors, good body, solid floors, frame. Bad interior, slightly hit front fender (tow truck that towed it ended up backing into the car). The car was an Arizona car. It spent a couple years in Ohio (sitting not driving due to the owners unfortunate string of luck), so there were a few signs of surface rust, but nothing major. And $1,00o later it was mine.
So after some thinking, and brainstorming, I kept coming up with the same conundrum. Do I want to cut up a perfectly solid rust-free Cutlass to repair a less than perfect Regal? I am a pure Regal guy, 100%, but a clean Regal out here would be few and far between and a little outta my price range. Not really a Cutlass guy, no offense to those who are, I just never really liked the front ends. But always thought the Regal's were the sheet.
Does anyone see where this is going yet?
I've got two very similar cars both of the same general gene pool and the same year and each one makes up for the others weaknesses and vice-versa. Two identical motors and drive trains. No matter what breaks I've got the replacement part 10 feet away. Never had that kind of luck before.
So here's the game plan:
Take solid Cutlass as base for project. Remove sh!tty (and I DO mean sh!tty) interior. Replace with clean Regal interior and dash. Remove hit front end from Cutlass and replace with Regal. Body work, then paint, then move on to new powerplant. Acquiring a used 383 for some sidework down the road.
So what do ya think? A promising project? All I need is for the rain and snow to go away.
Mainly, I'm curious if anyone can think of any "snags" I'm going to run into as I go. Difficulty switching the instrument clusters (wiring, etc)? I DO realize that the Regal has "round" wheelwells and the Cutlass has more "squared" ones, but I have already thought of and come up with the solution for that one... *cut*cut*weld*weld. Will I have to switch out the core supports or are they the same (and is that a stupid question?)?
That's about all I can come up with for now. I appreciate any input/criticism and I'll post some pics soon, because I know, "this thread is worthless without pics", lol.
Thanks all. Laterz.
Wiring will be nothing since you have a complete donor car...Swap in the regal's harness (un plug at junction block) with the dash for an easy change over. Other than what you have mentioned (wheel wells), you will have a funny mix of body lines going on there...Meaning the cutlass trunk and hood lines (or shape) "dip in", you put the regal front clip on there, including the hood, your shape will pertrude out and not match your trunk dip. I don't know if this make sense (it does in my mind :friday: ). It would be different, but I don't know if that's a good differnt, it will be tough to get it to look right. Will the tail half of the buick swap over to the cutlass (trunk, corners, fillers, tail lamps, etc?) that would help the flow a bit.
I'm trying to see what your saying about the "dipping in"... Okay, I actually had to walk outside to see what you were talking about and now I'm laughing my *ss off because in 25 years I never noticed that, lol. The top of the trunk actually, for lack of a better word, "foreshadows" the hood. That's weird, I really never noticed.
I'm going to guess that all the tail end plastic won't be "bolt-on" since everything from the doors back is different. Tips of front fenders are different, Regal slants while Cutlass is flat.
The key point here is, since the doors are universal between the two, anything from the front up should pretty much line up and not really look out of place. I'd be happy with the finish product causing a few car-savy people to stop and do a double-take as they walk by, while your average Joe just keeps walking. Subtle differences that don't require a big neon sign pointing at what was done. Things that you wouldn't notice unless they were pointed out. A factory look that didn't come from the factory. I think that's what I'm shooting for.
Sounds doable to me. And I doubt the average person would even notice.
sounds like an interesting project... like you, I favor the regal over the others(can't really tell you why, just prefer it over the others), and don't think it'll be all too bad when you're done... might get a bit of a stink from the olds guys though... I remember a guy on cardomain that put a cutlass front end on an elcamino, and most of the negative comments were from the olds guys(kinda like the guys in here when you mention a sbc in a cutty :roll: :lol: )

post pics as you go along!

If you have the courage to attempt all this, I think it will be a pretty cool project. If you are decent with some body putty, you can (for lack of a better word), casually blend in the body lines. I have seen and done harder things than that, you need to be patient and put a lot of thought into it. Good luck........................mickey-d :lol:
Well, I was actually flip-flopping back and forth with the notion of keeping the Cutlass a Cutlass. If I just straightened out this fender, and did a lil tweeking here and there, I could just shoot some paint and be done with it.

That was until I noticed this...

Do ya see it? Do ya see it?

Yeah, well somehow I missed it, lol. That bumper is TWEEKED.

Yeah ... so... I'm back to the Regalfying it plan.
What Have I learned so far? Tailights and rear corner trim are NOT interchangeable (unless I completely cut out the mounting section from the Regal trunk and weld it into the Cutlass trunk...... which I'm not doing, LOL).
I've also learned that removing a G-Body dashboard is a pain in the @ss.
I've learned that if you want to remove a very expensive solid rear window, nothing beats a boxcutter, a heat gun, and oddly enough a cheap K-Mart fish-fillet knife. Presto-chango, I did not break it.
By the way, 25 year old Cutlass dash that was NOT taken care of:


25 year old Regal dash that must have been massaged to sleep every night"


It's fate. Every bad part on the Cutlass is in pristine condition on the Regal and vice-versa. So I could technically build a really nice car ANNNNNND.... take the leftover pieces and built a really $#!tty car too.... but I'm not going to.
I don't know if you are going to be using this stuff, but if all of the heater and a/c stuff is in good shape and not hacked up, I will take it. I am in Ohio and depending where you are, I might be able to come and pull it.
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