So I’ve had a spare 8.8 housing since June. Plan was to modify it with 9 inch ends, narrow it to G-body width, brace it, and upgrade to 31 spline axles.
BS’ing with my foreman, he brought up just stabbing a 9 inch in it, and after some math, I arrived at these numbers for cost:
Modified 8.8: around $2,500 depending on parts
9 Inch: $2,600 to $3,000 depending on center section
I’ve got a local shop that can narrow the 8.8, so that doesn’t need shipped. But with prices so close, is it just worth it to drop the 9 in it? The car’s intended use is more of a universal setup until I figure out what I like more, so that’ll be mainly many street miles, auto x, possibly some road course, and drag strip time. I’m not running a huge amount of power currently, but that’ll change in the future.