I don't have a pic, nor could I find one however
69hurstolds posted about the same also noting you just have to rotate it with the cable and threaded rod disconnected and find where it lines up with the ears and it should lift right out of the box. It's likely going to be at one of the extreme positions in the range where it would never get to with the cable and threaded rod attached.
Where is it broke? If it's just the ARM broken, you can take what's left, remove any cables/rods attached to it, (don't break that threaded rod connector bushing, you'll pay hell getting a replacement. I think they make repros, but they're PRICEY!), and turn it so that the "wings" on the pivot pin line up with the corresponding slotted holes on the HVAC housing. You may not be able to see it without a mirror. Once it lines up, it'll come right out.