I hav a 87 MC SS, I was cruising from work when I felt a bang under my seat and seen something fly from under my car, I pull over and my drive shaft was hanging. The U-Joint between the axle and shaft had snapped in half. Later when I loaded it on to my trailer... I thought everything was okay until I tried to roll it off backwards it would lock up but would roll forward with ease... I lifted the rear in up while on the trailer and took a look at the Dif. on both sides you can see a grey-ish blue tinge in the front corners of. While the rear end was off teh ground I spun the tires... When spun forward both spin the same direction. When I spin one backward the other spins forward and it has a loud clanking noise... almost like something is gettin caught on the ring gear. Can anyone give me an idea of what it might be???