So I convinced my mom to let me bog her blazer in the mud, and it turned out being really fun. I had a bunch of my friends go to watch me and take vids so I thought I'd share with you guys. The first run was through the easy stuff and ended up goin pretty well, the blazer went right on through. The second run was through some thicker mud that was a bit deeper. Put her in 4 high, kept my foot on the floor and she went right through again. The third run wasn't on video but went through the thicker stuff on the left. Followed the same routine with the same results. Now the FOURTH run was where it gone fun. This time I went around the part on the right side (cant see it in the video) where you had to turn to get through. I went around halfway and started heading back, still in 4 high, foot on the floor, was doing great! Then I started slowing down, more and more, said "oh sh*t!" hit the 4 low button but it didn't engage in time... I was STUCK!!! I kept trying to rock my way out by going forward, reverse, forward again but it didn't help. Luckily my friend pulled me out with his durango and I didn't even have to get out to hook the tow strap up! All in all it was pretty fun which is good because my moms never gonna let me do that again, lol! Yeah I offered to pay for the car wash too, 6 bucks later it was still dirty! But yeah it was a fun day and it did good for a completely stock blazer.
EDIT: Im putting the vids on imageshack so everyone can see them idk how to make it on facebook so anyone can view them...
EDIT: Im putting the vids on imageshack so everyone can see them idk how to make it on facebook so anyone can view them...