yes this is correct.
i was taught this in tech school, but this usually pertains to masters mounted at a level even with or below the wheel cylinders, like '57 olds that is mounted under the floor, not in masters that are mounted high on the firewall like our gbodies. i can find no factory diagrams indicating this is on our gbody master cylinders. between the weight of the fluid and the internal spring/cup assembly of the wheel cylinders, it would be superfluous.
I did some checking and they used to run the residual valves in the master that were installed in the same position as the ones in G bodies but they stopped installing them so I have been wrong thinking that our brake system had residual valves. When we changed the master in our G body circle track car we ran a manual Chryco box with an inline 3 lbs residual valve for the front disk and 10 lbs for the rear drum. I didn't think that spring in the cylinder held the shoes in place but one day I will remove the brake line to one of my back wheel to see what happens.