I said it above as well in my other longer post, part boredom part wanting to see people be better people. My initial effort was to save others from wasting their time with askholes like that, looking out for the general greater good. That's on them tho, clearly they don't see beyond.I don't think you are talking to anybody, You are just showcasing how proficient you are at Cyber Stalking/ Bullying on two different forums.
I mean seriously, who joins another forum for the sole purpose of ridiculing and warning others of an ex-member that hasn't been on here in 2 months.
And now pictures off his FB page, maybe it's time you let this go.
But yes people like that won't change because society enables it. I got it. I'm good. I'm just here hanging out helping where I can.
FB one was easy, took 15 seconds as mentioned. I know my tech.