There should be 2 wires in the harness that is on the connector located on the side of the transmission, near the gear selector shaft. One is +12 volts power, one is ground. The ground signal comes from the computer. There are several switches that need to be closed for the wire to be grounded by the computer. One is inside the transmission so it will only ground in high gear. One is at the brake pedal so it dissengages when the brake is applied. One is on the MAP sensor so it disengages when you give it enough gas to drop manifold vacuum sharply. One is on the temperature sender so it only works when the car is at operating temp. They are variations, but most use +12 volts to the brake switch, and the high gear switch is in that line. the rest are fed to the computer so it makes the call when to engage.
By cutting the wires at the transmission, I ran a fused +12 volts to the brake switch and - ground to the other. The ground you can run to your toggle switch and have total control over when it engages, except for the high gear switch inside. I left the brake switch for the reason that when I wanted to accellerate all I had to do was tap the brake lightly with my left foot and it would dissengage.
By cutting the wires at the transmission, I ran a fused +12 volts to the brake switch and - ground to the other. The ground you can run to your toggle switch and have total control over when it engages, except for the high gear switch inside. I left the brake switch for the reason that when I wanted to accellerate all I had to do was tap the brake lightly with my left foot and it would dissengage.