So, this will have to happen in a couple pieces because some pics I took on my phone, which, had a low battery and died.
Later I remembered the other half's phone was in the glove box, so, I went and got it. Unfortunately today there was one and only one 5 minute downpour, the rest of the day was sunny and nice either side of it. But, the rain gave a bunch of folks an excuse to leave. So, there's that. Anyways, some of these were from a distance but a pretty good resolution so if you open them bigger, should be able to zoom jn. Or, maybe I can repost later after edits at home. Getting the ones out of her phone, whole different story.
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Lots of black cars. Problem is, seen one of these, seen them all. So, meh. Still snapped a couple pics of them anyways. T-types are where's its at though, the cookie cutter all-the-same gns get boring.
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Probably my favorite of the 442s... blue, 87, moonroof, checks all the right boxes. Not the biggest fan of it getting the
H/O hood and trunk treatment, but, beggers can't be choosers.
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