Just went through my posts... guess I left a hole of missing info about what happened... thought Id posted it but I guess not.
Well, The dealer and I went round n round, price kept going down because he wanted it gone... he told me to put a down payment and I could take it home... (Red Flag) Not wanting to be stuck with a car that nobody can touch legally, I backed away and waited for him to get paperwork... he never got it. The car was owned by an elderly couple in eastern Mass... they must have passed and he got the car somehow, but without a Mass title or release of estate from the Probate Court in Mass... Having only an old Mass Registration in the glovebox, I used it to cross reference with the Mass Registry of MV... They wanted a signed Bill of Sale from one of the owners listed on the Reg ...or a Notarized BOS from the legal Executor of the estate named by the Mass Probate Court... or a Title from the CT DMV.... well, none of that was happening as far as I could see. Having a technically illegal car in my driveway wasnt going to happen. I even had a tow ready at a greatly discounted rate and a bunch of helping hands... all for not. If this guy bought her, Im thinking he may have come up to a similar finding, but in CT, after 20 or 25? years, cars dont need a title if the have a clean VIN... Mass wants a papertrail regardless of a clean VIN... e
Well, The dealer and I went round n round, price kept going down because he wanted it gone... he told me to put a down payment and I could take it home... (Red Flag) Not wanting to be stuck with a car that nobody can touch legally, I backed away and waited for him to get paperwork... he never got it. The car was owned by an elderly couple in eastern Mass... they must have passed and he got the car somehow, but without a Mass title or release of estate from the Probate Court in Mass... Having only an old Mass Registration in the glovebox, I used it to cross reference with the Mass Registry of MV... They wanted a signed Bill of Sale from one of the owners listed on the Reg ...or a Notarized BOS from the legal Executor of the estate named by the Mass Probate Court... or a Title from the CT DMV.... well, none of that was happening as far as I could see. Having a technically illegal car in my driveway wasnt going to happen. I even had a tow ready at a greatly discounted rate and a bunch of helping hands... all for not. If this guy bought her, Im thinking he may have come up to a similar finding, but in CT, after 20 or 25? years, cars dont need a title if the have a clean VIN... Mass wants a papertrail regardless of a clean VIN... e