Can you even get 90⁰ on the wheel with tie rods? Seems like a lot.....
... You can on one side.
My problem is the wheel was resplined off about 20 degrees for some unknown reason so the tie rods still worked. The car had an Aftermarket U-joint lower shaft that didn't have a flat and I kept cranking on the Allen screws because I thought the on center slop was due to loose lower shaft. I got a Jeep GC lower shaft and bolted it on and THATS when I ran out of Tie rod on one side.
I thought "maybe Jeep GC lower shafts aren't a direct bolt in" for a fleeting second before I grabbed my tool to pull the steering wheel.
That is when I discovered the Spline's missing on the wheel and lock ring and started everything over from scratch, putting the flat on the Steering box input shaft up, and building everything from there.
The oncenter slop went away.