Darwinism at work?


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2014
This trend of "you tube stars" and staging dumb sh*t has reached critical mass... You'd say it was tragic, but, really, who in their right mind would think what these idiots did was acceptable let alone a good idea?

Maybe it's time for You Tube to police their "stars" on what kind of content they could be making. Or they could just let these "stars" do some self thinning of the herd. Really, couldn't the dumb azz just stage it like others do for their videos?
In high school in 1982 we made a "history of weapons" video for history class as our class project, that involved an armed robbery at a bank, but it was 10am on a Sunday morning, and camera's were more obvious back then.
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I’d be critical of the prank situation. I’d guess there’s more to it that is being played to us - the hapless media subscriber.
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