Diff Damage Help

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Jan 11, 2012
Delaware, Ohio
What caused this? Can i fix it enough or is it just broke? I bought the car and was told it had a Detroit TruTrac in it. I wanted to verify so I took the rear diff cover off and found this. Also does this look like a Detroit locker?





it does look like a detroit tru locker and it looks like the pinion walked into the carrier. There are a few reasons that could have happened, one being a real bad set up. I have never seen that style of cap on a 7.5. The crown gear looks good, for the rest I'd replace it
by real bad setup do you mean installed improperly? or??
That's pretty ugly. Is the pinion loose when you try to wiggle it by hand? Does it make any noise? How much clearance between the pinion and carrier is there now? Just trying to determine whether it was a previous injury that was "corrected" or if you still have a problem. If it were mine, I'd probably just look for another complete rearend rather than try to fix what you have. Probably cheaper in the long run. Run it till it blows and swap in the replacement.
If there is no noise ir cluncking it is probablly an old injury that the reshimed. Those caps look like my 8.5 rearend. Measure the ring gear and see what the diameter is. It still can be salvaged. You can take a grinder and knock of all the edges but you need to make sure it is really cleaned good after.
no noise, starting to get a whine, the pinion does not wiggle and is not touching currently. I'm going to definantly run it until it blows and then replace it. Its a 7.5.
It will eventually go if its getting a whine to it. You can always replace it sooner and might be able to salvage the carrier before it blows and make some money of of it.
stoney667 said:
by real bad setup do you mean installed improperly? or??

by bad set up I mean someone threw it in without measuring anything to see how it fit..and those caps are line drilled so mated for life. They must have taken some shims out of the pinion cause it's not making any noise and there was no chunks or slivers of metal in the housing someone adjusted it. Like suggested above if it working good then run it till it dies. A chewed up carrier doesn't harm it so you should be alight. I thought the damage was from the current set up. With the new oil the whine might go away and if not I have seen diffs go forever with a whine.
What's that square cut gear mounted next to the ring gear?
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