It may be a generic latch used on a number of GM cars of the 80's, so go to the junkyard and look at S-10's, Caprices, Camaros, etc. and see if they are the same. If so, it comes out pretty easy. BTW, used is all you have for quite a lot of things on these cars. They are 21-31 years old now, and not popular enough to have a lot of reproduction parts. If you plan to keep this car, you will need to learn to crawl through junkyards and use GM's famous interchangeability to your advantage. You also need to do much of the work yourself as paying others to do it will quickly make driving an old car more expensive than a new car payment. Most of us here do not use mechanics, we do all of our own work. I drive 30-50k miles a year, but the last time I had any car fixed by anyone else was over 2 years ago.