CUTLASS Door striker removal?


Master Mechanic
G-Body of the Month
Sep 16, 2014
I need to take a single shim out of one of my door strikers. Seems pretty straight forward. I put a torx bit in and then went to use a ratchet and socket to remove it. Broke the socket clean in half. Put a 1/4" wrench on the 1/4 torx...stripped the wrench box end...its like 2 ugga duggas tight. Am I missing something here? How does one loosen it to take it off to remove a shim?
Use a 3:8” drive torx bit and it should come off just fine. I can’t remember if you’d have access to the back side of the striker if you removed the door jamb body vent and oil it up some from inside the panel. Either way, a 1/4” drive isn’t going to pack the necessary grunt to remove a striker stud, it takes a load of abuse and needs to be very tight to hold in place while slamming the monstrous and heavy doors doors into them.
Once you put the socket squarely into the striker slots, give it a good, solid love whack (not ape strength) which usually can help loosen any rust or such on the threads. Don't go crazy as you don't want to dent the striker into the door opening.

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