Right...cars....not people...people just build the cars, drive the cars, own the cars, and show off the cars....but no...we are not talking about people....just cars.
I come from the school of constructive criticism....whereby, if you have nothing positive to say...you just dont say anything...why waste the time to tell the world why you dont like something...when the world doesnt care? Isnt there enough bigotry and hate in the world already without it being needlessly thrown into forums because some of us are old fashioned and some of us are HIP. Respecting the differences between cultures in our society is what makes this county such a great place to live, or at least it used to....
Where is the bigotry at in all this? If you don't like big rims, are you saying that person is racist? I hope not.[/quote]
Did I say racism? Did I call anybody a Racist? I merely pointed out that we are all different and those differences should be respected, even if we dont subscribe to the idealogy and that expressions of distain or unapproval should be kept out of the forum if the people submitting it cannot do so without demeaning those they have disagreements with.
"A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs..." wikipedia[/quote] My apologies in asking the question. But that was just what it was...a question.
In my area, bigot is always deemed as meaning a racist.[/quote]
point taken....
When you buy shoes you go into a store and you look over walls of shoes until you find one that you like. You buy the one you like and leave. Walking around the city you'll see other people wearing the shoes that you DIDN'T when you were looking for shoes. Now do you walk up to them and say 'Hey those shoes make you look like an idiot"...or do just say to yourself 'Man those shoes are hideous'?? I'm sure you're not stupid enough to do the first because you know it's very possible you'll get blasted on for your "OPINION".
Now insert the internet. The anonymity you now have behind your 'OPINION'. So instead of doing what you normally do when your "OPINION" wants to come out, you let it go. And you hide behind the innocent fact that it's your OPINION. And when the person you're voicing your OPINION to responds (as you would expect the man whose shoes you dissed) then all of a sudden they're wrong because they don't give a sh*t about your OPINION.
Think of it that way. Opinions are like *ssh*les...keep that sh*t to yourself.
When you buy shoes you go into a store and you look over walls of shoes until you find one that you like. You buy the one you like and leave. Walking around the city you'll see other people wearing the shoes that you DIDN'T when you were looking for shoes. Now do you walk up to them and say 'Hey those shoes make you look like an idiot"...or do just say to yourself 'Man those shoes are hideous'?? I'm sure you're not stupid enough to do the first because you know it's very possible you'll get blasted on for your "OPINION".
Now insert the internet. The anonymity you now have behind your 'OPINION'. So instead of doing what you normally do when your "OPINION" wants to come out, you let it go. And you hide behind the innocent fact that it's your OPINION. And when the person you're voicing your OPINION to responds (as you would expect the man whose shoes you dissed) then all of a sudden they're wrong because they don't give a sh*t about your OPINION.
Think of it that way. Opinions are like *ssh*les...keep that sh*t to yourself.
I wasn't gonna post anything on this thread but after reading all the posts I am going to. Are we not car enthusiasts? Are we here on this forum because we all have a passion for "G" bodies? Who cares if it has 13' wheels or 30' wheels. These guys are spending "their" money on "their" cars. That is how they want their car to look. I have noticed some posts with big wheeled cars and it usually has the same people bashing the cars. I was raised that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
There is to much bullshit going on in the world to be complaining about peoples cars. Sounds like a bunch ricers.
My statement that huge rims look stupid on G-body cars was my opinion, not said with malice toward the owners or any such thing. I said what I would have said if we'd been at a show somewhere and there were 20 of them. I tell the guys that all the time around here, and they call mine a grandpa car, well hell, it is a grandpa's car so I don't get mad. We laugh and poke fun and move on. Obviously they don't like them semi stock or pro street or whatever or theirs would be that way. They like the Donk style and candy wrapper paint schemes and that's their business, as thinking they look silly is my business. We don't fight about it, we just disagree and have different tastes. That's still allowed so far. As for keyboard cowboys, it's usually the guy pointing them out that has the intimate understanding of the term. :wink:
I come from the school of constructive criticism....whereby, if you have nothing positive to say...you just dont say anything...why waste the time to tell the world why you dont like something...when the world doesnt care? Isnt there enough bigotry and hate in the world already without it being needlessly thrown into forums because some of us are old fashioned and some of us are HIP. Respecting the differences between cultures in our society is what makes this county such a great place to live, or at least it used to....
Hip is in the eye of the beholder, what is hip to one is goofy to another, rolling eyes really don't help you much. Assimilation into the society is a much more noble pursuit than tearing it apart, so I have no problem with respect for different cultures so long as they all end up Americans in the end. That's as far as I wish to politicize this, if you insist on making this political start another thread and I'll be glad to debate it.
When you buy shoes you go into a store and you look over walls of shoes until you find one that you like. You buy the one you like and leave. Walking around the city you'll see other people wearing the shoes that you DIDN'T when you were looking for shoes. Now do you walk up to them and say 'Hey those shoes make you look like an idiot"...or do just say to yourself 'Man those shoes are hideous'?? I'm sure you're not stupid enough to do the first because you know it's very possible you'll get blasted on for your "OPINION". .
if that person causes attention to his/her shoe thereby asking for opinions I have every right to give my honest opinion and no one is going to tell to stfu. If he/she was stupid enough to ask for it then they can live with it...
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