jrm81bu said:What heads are you running? If there stock that could be the problem, along with what the other guys are saying. My 400 has edelbrock heads, the cam that i used to have had 310 degrees adv. duration and 525 lift. Oh and the supercharger. It will rev as high as i want it to but power starts to fall off around 5500 and i shift by 6000.
yes stock heads. ive been wanting new aftermarket heads for a while. budget is not allowing yet. i was looking at dart eagle irons last year. how are those edelbrocks though?
and 85, that doesn't sound too bad. i think i will be aiming for that msd.
i guess i should invest in another gov. recal kit and try to lower my redline down a bit. i am noticing that 5,400 would prob be ideal for my set up right now. although that may be a small operating range once i get my 2k stall on there.
man, isn't it amazing how no matter how much time you spend and money you invest.... a car is never done?