I started out my day yesterday with a trip to Redneck trailer for replacement springs. Then to D&B for fencing tools, then because I'm an idiot in need of more projects, to HF for a trailer kit. When I finally got home I slid the trailer boxes under the partially open garage door and went inside.
Once I finally pried my lazy *ss off the couch and went out to the garage it was 90* outside so I figured I'd start by putting the new trailer together. Simple, right? It was gonna be until the borrowed compressor died after my air ratchet got done with bolt #4. Ended up doing the rest by hand. It took 3 sweaty hours.
So, you're probably scratching your head and wondering why a guy with 2 other trailers and a tow dolly needs yet another trailer. Here's my twisted logic; I'm basically maintaining 2 yards. I also have lawn and garden stuff scattered all over the garage, in my basement, in 2 sheds down the hill, and strapped to the BroHauler. My initial thought was to put it all in one spot in the garage. Then I thought about building a dedicated garden shed. Then it occurred to me...Why don't I just build a landscaping trailer and essentially have a portable garden shed that I can tow up and down the hill with the BroHauler? Everything in one place -- right where I'm working.
After the new trailer was done I pulled my tilt trailer in to swap out the leaf spring. Got it apart about 7:30 only to find out the warehouse monkey pulled the wrong springs. Paperwork was correct so I know I asked for the right parts.

Got up early and was in their lot before they opened. got the correct springs and hustled back to slam it together. Just as I was wheeling the trailer out of the garage my buddy Greg showed up. He hitched it to his Duramax, loaded the bikes and we headed for the hills. Managed a 50 mile loop and got to 8800'. Even rode through a little snow.
It was a good day. Nothing broke, no one got hurt. I live in the best place on earth. 'MERICA!