Over this past week I chipped away at some landscaping work at the bottom of the hill. This was working toward the goal of setting it up for occasional RV usage. The weeds were completely out of control and some were taller than me. Also, you might make out the railroad ties that were used to terrace some flower beds in front of the old house. Those got yarded out with the ol' 8N and the help of my dad, the choke setter.
Around the perimeter of the old "foundation" was a pretty pronounced edge where we dragged the railroad ties. By foundation, I mean a crude footing with about 20 of these tornado straps buried in the concrete.

My dad used a cutoff wheel to weaken the rebar and I broke them off with a sledge. Then we placed the ties around the perimeter.
Then it was weedeater time. I had to dig out and haul off the pavers from the old steps up to the porch.

After that, more mower work then dragged the blade around with the tractor to try to re-contour and smooth everything. And that's pretty much where I left off.
I ran 3 short on the railroad ties as some were really rotten. I probably had about 20 hours in this week. Seems like a lot for what I got done but there was a lot of digging and picking and hauling and dumping. There was a lot of junk under the porch. Plus it was pretty warm this week and I wasn't smart enough to start early and quit before it got into the 90s.
Next phase is to round up 3 more railroad ties, bring in some gravel for the RV pad, slightly relocate the water, power, and septic dump. Then dig up about 70' of old paver walkway, fill that void with dirt, and plant a bunch of grass. Have a couple stumps to remove and a sickly willow to drop as well. Never ends.
And while I was typing all this, brown dog picked a fly off the window and ate it. Weirdo.