exhaust cutouts!

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Anyone with an oxy-acetylene torch can braze.

Tell that wuss at the muffler shop to man up and figure it out. It's kind of what he gets paid for...
hahah ill tell him that tomorrow morning when i go up there. Ive heard BAD things bout the cable ones but im not to worried bout exhaust leaks unless they r just terrible and ive heard the cable stops working and wont open or close anymore so ill just keep them oiled up for now and see how they go.. im mostly worried bout if he can weld em up or if ill have to go somewhere else
Let us know how it works out. I've been thinking about getting some cutouts, but I heard bad stuff about the electric ones breaking/melting, etc...

I never really looked into cable ones, but I guess it's a similar problem. I can't imagine how much it would suck if you had one stick open.

But, it beats crawling under the car every time you want to open them up!
they are on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my muffler guy did weld them and said they welded really good, he said they must of been cheap cast iron and they look good so far... they do leak pretty bad but it doesnt bother me to much because it just makes it louder and when i open them up they are even louder. im still hooking up the cable because it does take some time to get them adjusted right.yes they do raddle but ive been working on that to and got one to stop so far so im going to finish tomorrow.its just time and you can figure it out. If anyone has any question about them i will answer them.. i will try to get a video up tomorrow if i can but i have to warn you my camera sucks on sound
I would guess that they will eventually get coated with carbon on the inside. And that will solve the leaking and rattling problem.
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