I thought I would provide a little update and some more pics. I got almost all the wires installed in the C100 bulkhead connector. Exception being power-in (AKA circuit 2 from B5 postion), I inadvertantly attached a 630 series terminal to this wire. When the terminal for this circuit (in this position) should have been a 480 series (I will get this resolved tomorrow).
Other notes: I used 16 gauge wire for the purple starter wire (circuit 6 in position E4). My intention is to use a Ford solenoid adjacent to the passenger side battery and trigger the Ford solenoid with the 16 gauge purple starter wire.
I reused the terminal and wire stub for alternator exciter brown wire (circuit 25 in position A4). This terminal is a 280 series. Vendor required minimum purchase of 20 for this terminal (seemed like a waste to me). If I attend Fall Carlisle this weekend, I may be able to scare up a 280 series male terminal and use all new wire for this circuit.
I did not have any green with white tracer wire for the choke warning light circuit. As a result, I swapped in yellow 16 gauge GXL for this circuit. Again, if I attend Fall Carlisle this weekend, I may be able to scare up green with white tracer wire for this circuit.
I have eliminated circuit 250 for the EFE (AKA "Early Fuel Evaporation" or Electric-over-vaccum-Heatriser). As I am not utilizing this feature.
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